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A/n: this is just going to be a quick one sorry.

You were standing in your small kitchen in the middle of Florida, on a vacation from all the hustle and bustle of Avenger Tower. You were putting away some dishes when your favorite song came in the radio.

Dancing along to the beat, you put all the dishes away and started to go outside. Your pool shimmered in the afternoon light. Its bright reflection casted a youthful glow on your skin. You went into the small bathroom and changed into your bathing suit.

You walked out about to put your feet in the water when something splashed water on your legs. You looked up to see Clint hiding in the bushes with a squirt gun. Instead of marching out and punching him, you filled up a bucket and poured the cool water agonizingly slow down his back.

"What are you doing here, Clint?" You asked as the final drops landed on his back.

"What y/n? This is yooouurr safehouse? I didn't know that." He says innocently.

You rolled your eyes and pulled him up. You grabbed his squirt gun.

"How many are here?" You asked aiming the gun at his treasured....face.

"Not telling" he says. You squirted him in the face.

"Nope" he responds. Squirt.

"Come on y/n. You know I can't" Squirt.

"Okay okay" he says putting his hands up, "tony, Nat, Scott, Cap, and Sam are here."

"Where's the rest?" You ask.

"Don't know I..." He starts. Suddenly an immense amount of water doused you. You looked up to see that Natasha was on your roof and had a huge bucket of water.

"Gotcha" She says laughing.

"Not fair" you complained.

"All is fair in Love and war" she say before running off. You turned back to Clint but he had disappeared.

"Y/n" a voice whispered from the other side of the house.

"Y/n" a different voice said. Curious you went to investigate.

When you turned to the other side, you saw Peter, Sam, and...Loki?

"What are they doing here" you whispered to Peter.

"Sam wants revenge on Tony and Loki is the god of mischief. Its the perfect team." Peter explains.

Loki winks at you while you roll your eyes.

"Don't forget about me" a voice said behind you. You turned to see Pietro standing there.

"Pietro, I...I thought you had a mission" you say running to him.

"Finished early. Apparently Bucky miscalculated how fast I was" Pietro says.

"Okay, so whats the plan?" Sam asks.

"Loki can make illusions right?" You ask. He nods and you smile.

"Loki can you make illusions of all of us?" With a wave of his hand, images of all of you appeared.

"That is so..." You start.


"Creepy" Pietro and Peter say at the same time.

"Anyways, Sam your illusion is going to go back to your original team. I need you to spot out where they are. Peter do you think you could web up this area so that we can corner them? Pietro, you and I are going to drive them to where Peter has the trap set up." Everyone nods except Loki.

"What do I do?" He asks.

"You're the god of Mischief. Figure it out" you explain. He had an evil glint in his eye.

"Remind me never to be agaist you" you say before running off

*                        *             *
Trapping everyone with the webs, Loki, Sam, Peter, Pietro, and you dumped buckets of water on the opposing team.

"Peter, how could you do this" Tony says, spiting out water that got into his mouth.

"Y/n" Nat pleaded.

"Sam, buddy, please" Steve begged.

"Pietro, I dont really know you, but stop" Scott insisted.

"Nice job..." You said before mini-rain storm appeared over your teams head.

"What the?" Sam said looking up.

"Oh no" Loki said.

The rain stopped for three seconds before completely dreamching both teams.

"Nice try, but I have the god of thunder on my side" a familiar voice said.

Groaning you turned around to see Thor, Wanda, and Bucky all smirking at you.

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