I guess this is just the end Part one

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A/n: This will be a series even though it doesn't really seem like it at the beginning.

You felt numb, and that was a terrible thing to be feeling. You wanted to feel something, pain or hurt, but you just felt numb. Maybe you knew that it wasn't going to last, or maybe the pain was too much to handle. Whatever it was, you certainly knew that it was over. You gave your all to him, and in return he gave you...Well it certainly wasn't more than 12%

"Hey Y/n, could get me a glass of coffee?" Tony asked where he was working on his suit. 

"Sure," you say in a monotone voice. It wasn't his fault, you thought, and yet it was. You were never a selfish person. You put others first, never expecting to be awarded, but you also needed someone to support you. For a while that had been Tony, but to be honest he never really had your back. Yes, he said the words of encouragement, but it was never really meant. It was like a birthday card. It seemed forced and not personal.

You stand up and walk out of the room, going to grab him a cup of coffee. You stiffly assembled the coffee like you did every morning. You ran on a schedule, on Tony's schedule to be exact. You thought you didn't mind it, but you always felt this sense of longing for something else. You've done this so long, you couldn't stop even if you tried.

"Hey y/n," Steve says walking in front of the coffee machine. You respond quickly before returning to your actions. You took the freshly brewed coffee and walked out of the room before anyone could ask what was wrong.

"Thanks, babe," Tony says grabbing the cup of coffee from your hands. He returns to whatever project he was working on. You leave the room, and head to your joint room to talk to JARVIS like you did every single day. 

*                                                                              *                                                                     *

"JARVIS, what would you do if you were in my situation?" you ask face-down in your pillow.

"What do you mean?" he responds

"I don't know, I just feel numb."

"Would you like to make me get Mr. Stark?"

"No thanks. I would like to be alone right now."

"I do not think that is a good idea Miss l/n."


"Yes Miss"

"Never Leave me. Sometimes I think you are the only person that really knows what I'm going through"

"I would never"


"Yes Miss"

"Could you prepare three jets: one going to Europe, one going to Asia, and one going to South America to leave in thirty minutes?"

"May I ask why?"

"I'm leaving...For good"

"Would you like me to notify Mr. Stark an hour after you leave?"

"Give it two hours. Please don't tell him where I am going"


"Why are you so nice to me JARVIS?"

"I am responsible for you, even when Tony is not. I care for your well being, even if you have to leave Mr. Stark in the process"

"Thank you"

"Only doing my service" he ends the conversation, presumably to go prepare the jets. You stand up, grabbing a duffel bag, and start packing your things.

*                                                                                                  *                                                                     *

You walk silently to the hanger, trying to avoid all the contact between Tony's friends. You were about to walk into the plane leaving for Asia when someone tapped your shoulder. You spun around frantically and sighing when it's only Natasha and Clint. Don't get me wrong, you much rather it be someone like Thor who couldn't read your expressions, but anyone was better than Tony.

"Hey y/n. Where are you off to?" Natasha says eyeing the duffel bag you held behind your back.

"Gotta go visit some friends." You say staring at Natasha silently hoping that she believes you.

"Where exactly is that?" Clint says, "And why do you need a duffel bag for it?"

"Southern Kentucky and I needed to bring my riding gear because we are going horseback riding" You answer flawlessly. You had practiced that line a thousand times in the mirror, knowing that one day it would come in handy.

"Oh. Does Tony know about this?" Natasha asks.

"Yep," Jarvis had lent you a hand in your escape. He had modified a tape making appear that Tony knew that you were leaving.

"Well have fun in 'Southern Kentucky'" Clint says before walking off in the direction of Tony lab. Natasha takes your arm and leads you away from the plane. Before she can lead you too far away, you manage to yank your arm free.

"What are you doing l/n," she asks

"Getting away from a place I can never truly be myself. Who knows, maybe one day I will return." You say before running into the plane. You watch as it flies away, leaving Natasha on her feet quickly turning to alert Tony.

"Hey JARVIS or whatever AI tony installed in this."

"Hello Miss" JARVIS' voice rings out. You sigh silently and turn to face the horizon.

"Is the other jet below me?" You ask

"Yes y/n, when you make the exchange please be careful."

"Okay, are the trackers turned off"

"Yes, miss. It's as if you disappeared already. I will be patched in the other jet if you need me"

"Thanks, JARVIS"

"It is a pleasure"

*                                                              *                                                              *

The transfer between jets was easy, as well as easy as free-falling into another jet can be. You sat on the floor of the plane watching as the sunset. 

"Hey JARVIS, can you patch me into Tony's lab," You ask wondering if Tony knew yet.

"Right away," he says. There was a bit of white noise before Tony's voice can in on the speakers

"What did I do wrong?" He asks Steve. There was silence before Steve's voice rang out.

"Tony, it kills me to say this but did you notice any difference in y/n before she left?" he askes

"No," he says. When he said that word, your heart shatters into a million pieces.

"Tony, Her eyes don't light up when she hears your name anymore. She doesn't get chills when you walk by and her heart doesn't race when you smile at her. You don't get to her like you used to. You're just a bad memory in the back of her mind. So don't be surprised next time you make your way past her and she doesn't even glance your way. And don't bother trying to talk to her, you won't get a response. She's over fighting the same losing battle. The saddest part is that you have no one to blame but yourself. She gave you every chance you could ask for, and you messed it up every time." Natasha reminded him in a scolding tone. The worst part is that even though you wanted to tell she was delusional, everything she said was correct. It was the truth she spoke of, and that can never be wrong, just denied.

You cut off the radio and sink onto your knees crying, you finally felt pain. You didn't know was worse: The fact that you felt numb with him or the fact that the pain without him was worse.

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