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This was a request by the amazing @en1658. There is no reader insert in it, sorry if that's what  you were looking for. Instead, however, I will be trying to publish two stories so hopefully it makes up for it. Anyways, please don't feel afraid to request. My inbox is always open!

"Steven, he just graduated from the academy," Steve's wife Emily pleads, "He doesn't need to go. Ask Tony to get some other SHEILD agent,"

Steve sighs, walking over to where his wife of twenty years had been pacing back and forth. She pushed a piece of brown hair behind her ear. Steve knew that she was frustrated, but their son had to do this. After all, he was going to be the one to take up the shield in a couple months.

Steve hadn't told Emily that he was looking to retire. It was supposed to be a surprise. Steve only needed about three month's work to finally get the Army pension that the United States had promised way back in the forties. Once retired, Steve was going to purchase the small apartment in downtown Brooklyn that his wife had been dreaming about getting one day.

But before any of that happened, Steve had to make sure that his son, Grant, was ready to take up his father's job. That's why this mission was so important. Everyone that he told was okay with it, except for his wife. Curse the whole protective maternal instincts.

"Doll, it's only going to be a day. Just a simple HYDRA base. In and out within twenty-four hours. We can even invite the team over for dinner once we are back," He argued.

He could see his wife debate her argument inside her head. On one hand, it was her only child that was about to go on a mission. On the other, he was going with Steve and he had graduated from SHEILD's academy. Plus, she could see Natasha, Wanda, and Bucky if she let her husband on this mission. 

"Fine," She sighed, fiddling with her spotted shirt, "But you have him home by seven tomorrow, Mr. Rogers. Any later and I might have you sleep in the couch,"

He laughed, easily picking her up and placing her on kitchen counter. She looked up through her lashes.

"Yes ma'am," He whispered, placing his head between her shoulders and head. He nuzzled into her, making her roll her eyes.

"You know we do this, You have to promise," She reminds him, threading her hands into his head. He pulls away only enough so that he can look into her dark brown eyes. He leans forward so that their breathes mingled together, foreheads gently touching. 

"I promise," He whispers, their lips grazing. She felt her heart flutter as if it was the first time he did it. He smirked at her reaction. Twenty-five years of dealing with HYDRA, Thanos, and Ultron all paled in comparison when he could still make his wife act like a school girl. 


"You are about three coming to your left," Grant shouted at his father. Steve turned ninety degrees throwing his shield against the grey walls. It ricocheted between the three soldiers, knocking them out in about thirty seconds before returning back to Steve's arm.

"You know, I've always wondered how that shield worked," Grant remarked, kicking one the hydra's soldiers arms. Steve laughed, turning to his son. 

"You and every other science nerd on the planet. Why don't you have your friend from Queens figure it out," Steve said, rolling his eyes.  He was about to turn around when Grant noticed the slight shimmer. He was about to say something, when a loud bang rang out in the silence.

It was at that moment, Grant's instincts made him push his dad out of the way. A sharp pain pierced his chest. Steve looked at the direction that the shooter had came from, not noticing his son laying on the floor. It wasn't until he looked at his red stained fingers that he knew something was wrong. Steve looked down, trying to figure out where the blood was coming from. 

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