Back in the Forties

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A/n: Ok so I know you might have been expecting another part of 'I see the Assassins have failed, but I wanted to do something completely unrelated before I finish that series of imagines. Also, I expect it to be kinda long, so this is going to be short. Anyways, have fun reading.

You were walking home on the fairly light street from one of your friend's "Double dates". It was bad enough that she always got the perfect man, but she managed to set you up with a hobbledehoy. The poor kid was younger than your 14-year-old little sister. You walked to your little apartment and was about to open the door when you heard shouting inside. 

You opened the door to see a man, your neighbor, punching another man by your kitchen counter. You were about to scream when the man turned to you.

"Me and My friend caught the redhot trying to make up with your marbles. I sincerely mean no harm to your apartment, but I believe that you would like to keep your jewels. Do you happen to have some ice I can put on my Trap?"  He asked getting up from the man.

You walked over to your ice cabinet and handed it to your neighbor who placed it on his mouth. You walked through your apartment looking if anything had been destroyed. When you got to your bedroom, you saw that everything was in shambles. Papers were torn and you saw your mother's glass locket was shattered on the floor. She had given it to you before she died at age thirteen. All that remained was a slightly torn faded picture of your mother. 

You sank to your knees and pulled the picture to your heart, close your eyes. You heard the door open again, but this time you heard a familiar voice. 

"Hey Buck, did the dame who owned this apartment come home yet?" He asked.

"Yeah, she's in the backroom. You should go check on her." the man answered.

You heard footsteps and when you opened your eyes, you saw the familiar face of Steve Rogers.

"Hey, y/n. Are you okay?" he asked.

"Stevie, he shattered mum's locket," you say sighing.

"It's going to be alright. Do you still have the picture?" He consoled. You held your hands out, showing the little photo. He looked it over and nodded. 

"I'll replace it." he offered. You shook your head fervently. 

"I can't let you do that." you stood up and pulled Steve up after you, "I know you and your friend must be hungry. What do you say for a homemade meal."


"Look, you fella's saved my belongings. It's the least I can do" you insisted. He just shrugged and you walked into the kitchen. You pulled out some of the rations you were given. It was hard, living in what they called the "Great Depression", but you made it work.

"What'cha doin' there, doll face?" your neighbor asked raising your eyebrow.

"First, name's y/n." you say pointing at yourself, "Second, making you dinner"

"So you're the famous y/n Steve always bragging about" He points out raising an eyebrow.

"In the flesh, that must make you James Barnes. Stevie always talks about you and your notorious ways" He smirks as you stir the pot. 

"Hey, Stevie. Come here for a bit" He calls out. Steve comes out glaring at you. You shrug and he just rolls his eyes.

"What do you want, Barnes" He groans, not exact happy that his best friend has a new name to call him by.

"So y/n here says you said I've been pitching woo with basically all the girl in Brooklyn. Did you say something along those lines?" He scoffs. You blush beet red at Bucky's choice of words.

Steve shoots deadly glares at you, and you hold your hands up, replying "I am not getting in the middle of anything between you boys"

You grab three glass bowls and set them near your pot. You spoon out the mac' and cheese into the bowls giving yourself less than the others. It wasn't that you didn't want it, you just usually ate less when you were in a sad mood.

You heard as the argued finally ending it with the famous "Punk", "Jerk" finale. You placed the spoons, bowls, and napkins on your wooden table and called the boys. They rushed over and began eating. You rolled eye and began to eat slower than them.

After you finished washing the dishes, you walked to a window staring at the bright city lights. The whole island seemed to glow with people. You could see tiny carriages full of women and men parading out in the streets. You placed a hand on the window trying to take in the view before you left for England.

You were meeting up with fellow woman's rites activist Peggy Carter to help command the Allies in the War. Only Steve knew what was going on, and you wanted it to stay that way. Many people didn't think that women were able to lead people especially men into war. You didn't need to get shunned by your remaining family.

(Play the song)

"You okay?" Bucky asks noticing you staring out into the darkness.

"Yeah, just taking it all in" You respond vaguely.

"Steve told me that you were leaving for London tomorrow."

You clenched your fists, "I'll kill him"

Bucky took your hands and slowly uncurled them, "Before you do that, he wants me to take of you while he's not there. I'm leaving tomorrow too."

"You enlisted?" 

"Yup, have to protect beautiful dames like yourself from getting hurt"

"Steve will kill you for not telling him sooner"

"I know"

"I don't want to leave him." You say tears starting to form in your eyes.

"I'll make sure you make it back to him" He reassures, "I'll protect you from all of it. Do you know why?"

"Because you love him," you say a single tear. He looks at you, using his thumb to brush away your tear.

"That and I want to make sure we can go dance once the war ends."

*                                                       *                                                     *

Happy ending

After Bucky presumably died you were heartbroken. You used this anger and sadness to fight Hydra managing to take down thirty bases. After the war, you were managing old Hydra bombs when a rogue soldier had hijacked the plane you were using and crashed it into the ice like Steve five months earlier. 

When you woke, you saw the familiar face of Steve, which brought tears to your eyes. He explained that you were now alive in 2018 and Bucky had survived the crash. He brought you to Wakanda, where you saw him in a cryostasis chamber. 

After about three months, they finally found a way to erase the Hydra memories from his mind. When he woke, he saw you sitting on a chair trying to catch up on what you missed. 

"You know I still owe you a dance," He said groggily. You quickly picked up your head and smiled.

"Once you get the all clear, that's what we are doing first." You respond happily.

*                                                                    *                                                       *

Sad ending 

After Bucky presumably died you were heartbroken. You used this anger and sadness to fight Hydra managing to take down thirty bases. After the war, you were managing old Hydra bombs when a rogue soldier had hijacked the plane you were using and crashed it into the ice like Steve five months earlier.

When you woke, you saw the familiar face of Steve, which brought tears to your eyes. He explained that you were now alive in 2018. You asked him in Bucky had survived, to which he gently shook his head. You looked down and asked if you could see his grave.

Three days later, they found your body near Bucky's grave with multiple self-inflicted stab wounds. They found a letter nearby saying that you were joining Bucky in Heaven.

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