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You were sitting on the couch waiting for your favorite TV show to go on. Finally you heard the familiar tune of MacGyver go on. You jumped happily and snuggled into your wool blanket. You were so focused on the show that you didn't hear Clint come into the room. You only noticed he was there when he yelled your name.

"Y/N!" He was so loud that you fell off the couch, banging your head on the glass coffee table.

"What the heck Clint." You muttered.

"What!" He boomed.

"I said, what the heck Clint." You say louder.

"I can't hear you." He said. Suddenly it dawned on you, Clint had misplaced his hearing aids again.

Did you lose your hearing aids again? You signed to him.

Yup, he signed back. You sign dramatically, making sure to wave your hands for Clint. Then out of nowhere the door burst open, revealing Bruce, Tony, Sam, and Pietro all suited up and hold their weapons at you two. You brought your hand to your head and shook your head slowly. Of course, they would overreact.

"We heard yelling," Sam explained, "We wanted to make sure that you were okay"

"We Are Not Eating Cake" Clint yells at them, a bit softer than he did with you but still yelling. Tony and Sam snicker a bit before returning to their serious face.

"Why are you yelling Clint?" Tony asked Clint.

Clint turns to you and starts to sign.

Tell them I lost my aids, he says.

"Clint lost his hearing, he can't exactly hear you" You try to explain. No one was listening to you however because Bucky, Captain America, Wanda, and Vision all burst through the door the same way the others had.

"We were training when the screaming started, what happened?" Bucky asked breathlessly.

"He didn't hurt you right y/n. Because if he did, I'll pummel him into the ground so hard that he will never see the living daylights." Wanda asks taking your palms in her hand. She rubs them soothingly, and you forget what you even needed to tell everyone about.

Suddenly you feel a tap on your shoulder. You spin only to see Clint tapping his feet. It jogs your memory, and you remember what you had to tell everyone. You were about to speak when The Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man busts the glass and runs to Clint.

"She didn't hurt you right. I know she can be difficult, but you should never put up with abuse." He says.

"Standing right here Parker." You say glaring at him, "Now what were you saying?"

He smiles sheepishly at you, "Sorry Y/n,"

You pull him into a hug, "it's fine Parker".

You cleared your voice trying to get everyone's attention. Nobody heard you, however. You tried yelling but no one heard you. They were all talking amongst themselves and frankly it was getting really annoying. You felt a hand on your shoulder, and when you turned you saw Deadpool with his mask rolled above his nose.

He fired twice into the ceiling which got everyone's attention.

"Excuse me but I think this pretty lady has some words to say." He yelling using symbols so Clint could understand. He obviously got the message as he was shooting glares that could kill at the vigilante.

"Right, Clint lost his Hearing Aids, does anyone know where they are," you asked.

You were met with the generic 'Nope', 'No', or 'Clint wears hearing aids like some gramps ' (said by Tony Stark, you responded by Flipping him off) until Natasha enters the room. She throws something at you and you catch it. You look at what she threw only to find it was his missing hearing aid.

You put it into his ear and he looks at you sympathetically. Then he notices the noise volume and shouts "Everyone out! Now!"

They all walked away not exactly know what happened. Clint looks at you thankfully and pulls you into a kiss.

"Thanks, Babe," He says

"Try not to lose it again"

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