Mystery Brother

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A/n: Requested by Misato_Gordon. Prompt #20.  Do you think I should make more stories about Infinity War? Comment down below and like always...Enjoy!

You were working your job at the New York Public Library when you first noticed the strange mysterious man who walked in at around 10 in the morning. There was nothing that raised any flags, so you continued to organize books. You looked around, and you noticed that the man was staring at something near you. You didn't feel threatened at all. In fact, you thought of him as a guardian angel. When you went to approach the area where he was sitting, he had disappeared. 

That cycle continued for about three weeks. Every day at ten, the man would come in and watch over you. Once you went to go talk to him, he would have miraculously disappeared until the next day. Your curiosity grew quickly until it was bubbling at the surface of your skin. You needed to do something about it. 

The following day you wrote a quick note saying,

Hi, It's your favorite librarian. I want to meet you, but you always disappear before I can. 

You folded the piece of paper into tiny squares before sliding it into a book. You placed the book in the spot where the man always sat before going off to do your job. You noticed that the man came and opened the book before looking in your general direction.

You turned around, giving him a quick wave. He looked stunned but quickly waved back with a gloved hand. You smiled, blushing slightly, and looked back at your book stack. You grabbed the book on top and continued to work. 

When the man left, you noticed that the crinkled paper was laying on the table with a reply. You picked it up, stuffing it in your pocket to read later at lunch. You made your way back to your desk, trying your hardest not to peek at the note. Finally, you gave into your curiosity and reached for the paper. You took it out and looked its eloquent cursive handwriting. You had even begun to read, but the note had already captured your attention. The handwriting was all the same size making it almost robotic. 

Hi, I can't exactly tell you my real name. It would put you in a lot of danger. You're stunning though so it's a shame. If you want to meet up, go to Avengers towers and tell the people at the front desk that James sent you. 

You sighed, smiling brightly, at the letter in your hands. You set it down laying your phone over the words as if to keep them from disappearing. You quickly brought up your schedule of the night, already knowing that you had nothing later. You weren't the most popular person, only having a few friends. Both of your friends happened to be in Europe at the moment, so you were free.

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You were waiting expectantly at the front desk of Avengers tower, waiting for the woman to let you up. You had gotten out of work about an hour ago and you had immediately come over. You were dressed in a pencil skirt and blouse, but you probably should have brought a thin jacket. The A/C in the tower was freezing you to the point you were shaken. You looked at the frail blonde haired woman who was on the phone with her manager.

"I'm sorry ma'am, but do you have any proof that this 'James' actually asked you to come here?" She says, her nasal voice makes you want to punch her in the face. You clenched your left fist as your right hand slammed the note on the table. She leaned over her desk before looking up at you with a raised eyebrow. 

"I'm sorry, but this isn't any actual proof. This could have been computer generated, written by a different person, or copied. Do you have any other proof?" She asked you. You closed your eyes before glaring at the woman. 

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