Daisies and Daggers Part 2

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A/n: So I'm working on the requests. They proved a  bit more challenging than I thought. But I love where I'm going with it. Hopefully, I can complete both by tom. Until then...Here you go.

It took you countless times to try to find a place suitable for sleeping. After opening what seemed like your thousandth door, you found a small living room. Stepping in, you closed the door behind you -not wanting any unwanted guest to stumble upon you sleeping.

It wasn't that you didn't trust Loki. You did, but you also didn't know what he was capable of. He had killed the man in a matter of seconds and didn't express any guilt. He was more than able to kill you. You wanted to believe that he was good, but it wasn't that simple.

Your life wasn't that simple anymore.

You sat down on the brown leather couch and stretched your legs. It was fairly comfortable. Much more fancy than your older grey couch. Yet, you found yourself longing for the old familiar stains on the couch at your home.

Everything in Loki's house was worth much more than what you could afford to pay. When it was separate, it didn't overwhelm you. But after rooming the countless rooms full of massive business tables and countless chairs, weight rooms that could have rivaled any gym in the immediate area, and rooms that looked similar to where you had first met Loki, it made you miss your old flat.

It hadn't been anything large. You had a small grey loveseat that was pushed against the exposed brick wall. A few steps from your sofa sat a small kitchen where you made all of the meals for Mrs. Smith. Further down the flat was your small bedroom. You had originally slept on a twin sized bed, but recently you had saved enough money so that you could sleep in a full sized bed.

Now that wouldn't matter. You weren't mad at Loki. How could you be mad at someone who didn't realize the price gap between the two of your lives? At least now you could actually cook whenever you wanted without having to worry about the prices of food.

You curled yourself into a slightly curled position, glancing around the room one more time. When you finally felt semi-comfortable with your surrounding, you shut your eyes and tried to catch as much sleep as possible.

You found yourself staring up at the ceiling, trying to eliminate all your discomfort. Every time you closed your eyes, your mind would revert to how quickly and comfortable Loki was when he had stabbed the man. What would happen when he got mad at you? How could you even begin to trust him? Would he try to use you in some way? As bait? What would he do if he didn't have a use for you anymore? Would he try to kill you?


You had been gulping down the cold water when the door directly in front of you startled to rattle. You scrambled up the bed, trying to put as much distance from you and whatever monster lay on the other side.

When you open your eyes the next morning, you found yourself in the middle of a giant bed surrounded by innumerable pillows and blankets. You glanced around the room. Older photos were displayed in frames sporadically placed around the room. On the bedside to your left was a glass of water, a toothbrush, and a few other necessities to do your morning routine.

What walked through the door technically wasn't a monster, but your mind didn't register that. You grabbed the glass that once had water in it and chucked it at the door. Loki quickly dogged the shards of glass that ricocheted from the glass hitting the wall. He looked down at the glass pieces then back up at you. You smiled sheepishly, secretly wanting to bury your face under the navy quilt and never come back out.

"Good morning to you too," He chuckled.

You, once again, flushed bright pink. He placed the clothes that had been tucked under his arm on the edge of the large bed.

"Where am I?" You asked, slowly leaving the warm cocoon of warmth -otherwise known as the bed- to pick up the clothes.

"I brought you to my room last night. Couldn't have a guest sleeping on a couch,"

You nodded slightly in agreement. Even though you weren't exactly sure how Loki found you sleeping on one of his multiple couches, you were eternally grateful that you hadn't slept there. But that also brought up the question of you sharing a bed with Loki.

"If it makes you feel any better, I didn't sleep next to you," He continued, sitting down on the edge of the bed.

You grabbed the toothbrush, toothpaste, clothes, and hairbrush that Loki had provided.

If it had any other person, you would have been relieved that he had not joined you in bed. Instead, you felt slightly disappointed. You didn't mean to kick him out of his room. You wouldn't have minded the couch if that meant that Loki could catch a few hours of rest.

Not that you cared or anything. But part of you wanted him to be well rested. Maybe it was because you wanted him to be able to defend you at all times. Yeah, that made sense. At anything else would be considered Stockholm Syndrome. Something that you had read about, and you didn't want to experience.

"Where did you sleep then? I presume that this is your room," You walked into the bathroom, which was -not surprisingly- much more grad than yours.

Where yours had been small and cramped, Loki's was spacious. He had a shower placed next to a deep tub in the center. Everything seemed to be made out of marble except for the wall tiling which had a deep beige-gold hue to it. On both walls, large his and hers sinks took up most of the space.

"Darling, you know that I have more than one bed. But yes, I didn't sleep for a little bit,"

His voice echoed around the room as you threw off yesterdays clothes and put on the ones that he had provided. The NASA pullover was a bit big, but that was the way you liked it. The leggings were surprisingly comfortable.

"That's nice," You replied, as you brushed the knots from your hair. Once you styled your hair the way you wanted it, you transitioned to brushing your teeth. You heard footsteps approach the door. They stopped a bit before the door, from what you could tell by the slight shadow. They stayed there for a little bit before the shadows disappeared.

Once you finished, you placed last night's clothes in a slightly organized pile and walked out of the bathroom. Loki was laid sprawled out on his bed with his phone to his ear. You smiled, placing your clothes and other supplies where they had been before. He grumbled something under his breath before hanging up on whoever was on the other side.

"Come on," He rolled his eye, "It's time for you to meet the rest of the Asgardians,"

He stretched and hopped off the bed, landing semi-gracefully on his feet. You couldn't help but laugh quietly. He reminded you of a cat, quick and nimble with a slight murderous streak. He narrowed his eyes at you which only made you laugh louder.


When Loki said that you were going to meet the Asgardians, you expected something less intense. He had brought you to a seclusive warehouse on the edge of his property, which seemed to be as endless as the sky itself. The warehouse itself was gigantic, looming over you. Loki, placing his hand in the middle of your back, guided you to the titanium door.

When you opened the door, you couldn't help but feel a bit overwhelmed. Hundreds of people roamed around the building. Some were crafting weapons, others were eating breakfast from a large table that resembled a picnic bench except it was about ten times bigger.

You glanced up at Loki who smiled as his eyes skimmed around the building. When he finally looked down at you, he only held up a hand and announced to everyone,

"Welcome Y/n L/n to Asgard" 

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