Flash drive

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A/n: I really like the concept behind this, so I might make a part two. What do you think?

"Okay, so maybe it wasn't the best idea," you said tied up to a chair in the middle of a white room, "But it wasn't exactly my fault"

"Then whose was it?" Captain America asked barging into the room.

"I mean you guys left the flash drive out on a table. How was I supposed to know that it had government secrets on it? You gotta be more careful with your stuff," You suggest, innocently. 

"That's it," Black Widow says pinning your head to the table with a pistol, "I say we just blow her brains out"

"Barnes," You called out to the ceiling, "control your girlfriend," 

About five minutes later, Bucky stormed into the room, glaring at you. He walked over to Natasha who was about to kill you. Once she was lead out of the room, he turned back to go.

"You're lucky you're a woman or else I wouldn't have kicked her out of the room," He sneers before walking out.

"Look, it was just an accident. I think you should just let me go" You chimed.

"You managed to make seventy-five percent of our team so mad that they would kill you if we released you. I really don't think that's a good idea" Captain answered. You rolled your eyes before sighing dramatically.

"Look, I thought it was something else. If I knew it was yours, I wouldn't have grabbed it. Sorry for making a mistake."You apologized sarcastically, "Now let me go before I make you,"

Captian raises one of his eyebrows and places his hands, folded, on the table.

"I'm a 99-year-old veteran and you are in handcuffs. I-" He started.

You take your hands out from behind your back. You slammed the handcuff down on the table with a bang. You stepped out of the chair before winking at the dazed Captain. You walked over to him, before kneeling down next to him.

"Honey, you never chain up a wild animal. 7 tomorrow at Little Cecilia's. Don't stand a girl up," You whisper in his ear. You could feel the heat rushing to his face as you laid a soft kiss on his cheek. Standing up, you waved slightly before exiting the room and disappearing.

*                                                                                   *                                                                                  *

"So you just kissed him and walked out?" Your partner in crime, Alexis, asked. She walked out of the closet with a deep red skin tight dress that reached your thighs.

"That's why you're here," You agreed as you grabbed the dress from her hands and walking to the bathroom.

"As much as I want to think you are just in this for the flash drive, I just can't. Is there something else going on other than business?" She said from the doorway. 

"Look as much as I would love to be dating a superhero, I don't think it's him. He is so proper, and I'm so..." You trailed off as you did your lipstick.

"Not?" She offered. 

"Exactly. That's why once we get the information, we are going off the map. Don't need him trailing us like a lovesick puppy" You put on your black heels and grab the matching black purse by your bedside.

"How long do you think this is going to take?" Alexis asks.

"Three hours at the most. If I don't come back in that time, pack everything up and go to the 'place'" You tell her. She nods, and you walk out the door.

*                                                                                  *                                                                            *

"You actually came?" You say as you see him waiting outside the restaurant. He was dressed in a tight suit that highlighted his facial features.

"I'm not going to stand you up, no matter how much I might dislike you," He replies sharply. He opens the door for you as you walk in. You nod to the waiter who brings you to the secluded part of the restaurant. You had been here more than once to get what you needed. Usually, all it took was to get the man drunk, but since he couldn't exactly do that, you had to play an emotional game.

"That's awfully nice of you, but I expect no less. You're a hero after all" You say taking a seat.

"So why am I here?" He asks once he sits down. You look at the floor for a second before putting on your best 'I'm a damsel in distress' face. You knew that he, like most men, would eat it up right away.

"I...I need your help" You sigh, "These people want to kill me and I just don't want to die"

"So why not tell me this at the tower? Why now?" He says suspiciously.

"The fewer people that get involved, the better. I don't want to get anyone hurt because of something I did," You say making your voice break in the middle of your sentence. You could sense his resolve crack slightly at the sound of your voice.

"What do you need?" He asks.

"I need," You stop to take a shaky breath, "I need the flash drive,"

"What happens if I don't give it to you?" He asks interestedly.

"Excuse me miss," The waitress interrupted, "Have you decided on your choice for dinner?"

"We-" He starts.

"I'll have the mushroom risotto, and he'll have the tortellini" You recite from memory to the waiter. She nods before running off to place your order.

"Like I was saying, what happens if I don't give it to you?"

"I go seven feet under with no chance of redemption," You say looking to the side. You could see your waitress rushing to get you your food. You could tell that you need to end the conversation soon.

"I just can't do-" You cut him off by pressing your lips passionately to his quickly.  You enjoyed the feeling of how his lips fit seamlessly to yours. Maybe if you weren't in this line of work, you would actually pursue this feeling that was bubbling up inside of you. As you kissed, you quickly slipped your hand into his pocket and pulled out the flash drive.

When you broke away, you were both breathless. You felt a longing to be with him, but you knew that you couldn't. You kissed him again, this time on the cheek, before walking away. You could feel tears starting to well in your eyes as you entered your apartment.

"How did it...oh no," Alexis says as the tears started to run down your cheeks. She brought you into a hug, rubbing your back.

"You love him?" She asks quietly. You nod slowly against her shoulder as the tears ran down your face like a waterfall.

"I'm sorry," She says when your break from her embrace. 

"It's fine" You respond softly. 

She plugs the flash drive into the computer, but instead of there being multiple files there was only one. She opens it, and a video starts to play.

"You really thought I was that dumb? If you really want that drive, you'll meet me at Katherine's at nine of Thursday," Captain America says taking a step closer to the camera, "Remember honey, you never chain up a wild animal"

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