Obeying the Laws of Physics

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A/N: I partially drew inspiration from one of Spider-man's quotes. 

You were about to pour a green liquid, you called it RDS (radioactive stuff), into a small beaker of acid. You slowly tilted the beaker until it was parallel to the other one. A single drop was about to fall out when a disk-like object shoots the beaker from between your fingertips. 

"What the hell," you say grabbing a small pistol out from beneath your desk. You Spin around but see nothing. You walk over to your beaker which had luckily fallen onto your dog's bed. You didn't even want to question what powers had kept that from spilling all of your RDS onto the floor. 

You turn to your desk and set your black gun down, starting to pour the liquid into the beaker. Once again, right before a single drop fell from the beaker a disk knocked it out of your hand.

"Who the hell is there?" You call out annoyed.

No one answers.

"I said who" you cocked the gun, " the hell is there" 

Not one sound is released.

"Screw this." You saw firing a warning shot at the wall. That must have spooked the people because before you knew it you were on your knees, guns pointing at your head. 

"There are two ways we can do this: Easy way or the hard way. It is your choice." The infamous Iron Man says.

"Seeing as I have no idea why you are harming me, an innocent civilian," You say smiling fakely. You knew exactly why they were here and you weren't looking forward to it.

"Drop the act," he says.

"Okay fine. I know exactly why you are here." You say smirking

"And why is that?"

"Because you found out what I was doing"

"Which is?"

"Oh, you are going to Perseus style." They give you questioning glances

"What does that mean"

"Ask the man with the disk," you say

"Perseus, Man that killed Medusa. She says we are going in blindly." He growls out staring at you coolly.

"By the way, that thing does not obey the laws of physics at all" You nod to his shield".

"You're not the first to say that"

"I can make it" You reach deep into your pocket and pull out a little button. You throw it at the shield, laughing. He picks it up, throwing it at the floor. Instead of bouncing back, it just goes through the floor.

"Change. It. Back." he says grabbing your chin.

"Sure, Catch," You say pressing a button, making the shield fly to him. He tries to catch it, but it flies to your hand.

"I told you to catch." You saw rubbing your palm against the Vibranium, "It's nice. I think I'll keep it."

"Give. It. Back." He says taking a step forward.

"Umm no" You challenge, "Everyone younger than 90 leave!"

No one moves.

"Go before your dearest Captain gets a gunshot to the head". 

No one moves.

"You people make this so difficult" You grab your gun off the floor and aim it at the Captain's chest. They all scurry out of the room leaving you with two seniors.

You chuck the gun to the floor laughing.

"Remind me why we did this again" You laugh.

"Because some of the Avengers are too nosy. We needed to get away to visit you without any people getting suspicious." Bucky says punching you lightly.

"You need to work on your catchphrases. ' that thing does not obey the laws of physics'. Spiderman is going to coin the phrase sooner or later" Steve remarks.

"Seriously though. You had to destroy my RDS?" You ask looking down at the green splattered liquid.

"What even is RDS," Bucky asks.

"Radioactive stuff." Steve snickers.

"Nice name."

"Thanks, Stevie. Anyways, I needed to create the new dye, which mind you is not radioactive. I only call it that.."

"Because it sounds cool" They mimic.


"So when do we get to test it out?" Steve asks, "Tony could use a new hairstyle"

"Well since you graciously destroyed my RDS, two days" They both groan dramatically.

"Okay, it was nice seeing you, but you should go before you get caught"

"But why?," Bucky says falling onto steve.

"Just go, I'll see you guys later. Just swing by at my apartment"

"pinkie promise," he says holding out his robotic pinkie

"God you are such as dork sometimes, James." You say shaking his pinkie.

"Bye" They call you before leaving you in peace, counting down the minutes until you saw them again.

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