Lady Macbeth and the troubles that come with her (2)

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A/n: One of the options was a continuation. This is for VanillaHorizon.  Thanks so much.  Don't forget to request for what you want me to rewrite/continue.

It had been three weeks exactly. Three weeks of not being a vigilante. You missed it, but it also gave you an opportunity to try out for a play, Macbeth to be exact. You did, however, see the repercussions of your actions. Ever since you left, Spiderman had to manage the whole city. You felt bad for Parker, but you also didn't. He had betrayed your trust. He turned against you in hope that is you were caught he would be recognized as an Avenger.

 You sat on your bed, memorizing your lines. It wasn't hard, you had basically memorized every Shakespeare work. They had given you the role of Witch 3. You liked playing her, but you also wished you had gotten the role of Lady Macbeth. She was your name's sake after all. 

" Thou shalt get kings, though thou be none." You murmured, looking down. When you looked back up, your eyes found your super suit. You set down the script, walking over to the clothing. Brushing your hand across the fabric, there was an overwhelming sense of longing. You wanted to be out there. You wanted to help New York. You wanted...You wanted to be with the friendly neighborhood Spiderman.

You grabbed the suit and quickly changed. One day wouldn't hurt, right? You could be Lady Macbeth for a day, then return to Y/n L/n. Flinging open the Window, you lept out of your house and started to dance across the rooftops.

*                                                                                   *                                                                                  *

You were laying on a rooftop in the middle of Queens. You knew it was a risk after all Spiderman lived there.  You also knew that it had one of the highest crime rates. You looked out towards the light, thinking random thoughts. You didn't hear the footsteps, so you jumped when a hand landed on your shoulder.

"Forgive me, Valentine; if hearty sorrow be a sufficient ransom for offence. I tender 't here; I do as truly suffer as e'er I did commit." The voice said from behind you. Looking up, you saw Spiderman standing there without his mask. His eyes were red; his cheeks were blotchy.

"The gates of mercy shall be all shut up" You grumbled taking a step away from him. You felt his hand grab your wrist as you turned to leave.

"But mercy is above this sceptered sway. It is enthroned in the heart of kings. It is an attribute to God himself. And earthly power doth then show likest God's when mercy seasons justice." He begged, getting on his knees.

" I desire you in friendship, and I will one way or other make you amends." 

"Amends? Friendship?" You asked, feeling like you were about to cry.

"I would not wish any companion in the world but you. My bounty is as boundless as the sea. My love as deep.  The more I give to thee, the more I have, for both are infinite." He said taking your hand and pressing it to his cheek softly. He turned his hand and kissed your palm. 

"Without you, Life is worth no more than death. I cannot bear to be without you, my dear. I only ask you for your mercy. You are a beautiful summer's day, and I the clouds of rain." He whispered, standing up.

"The day needs rain as much as a flower needs sunshine." You whisper, "Why did you do it? Why did you betray me?" 

"I would never betray you, my love. I only brought them to you because I wanted you to join me. I wanted you to be with me without the danger of being a vigilante." He said lifting your head up with a finger.

"my love?" You asked him. You were about to ask him what he meant, but you were silenced with his lips. He firmly held you in his arms, wrapping you in a hug. When he pulled away, you were breathless.

"Am I forgiven?" He asked. You nodded quickly and brought your lips to his.

*                                                                     *                                                                       *

"So this is where you live?" Peter asked, looking at your apartment building. It was about 3 or 4 in the morning. You were bringing him back to your apartment to sleep. 

"Yeah, it's not that big, but it'll do," You said going through the window you had left open.

"Have I ever told you that I think your Boston accent is very hot?" He asked turning towards you. You hit him in the shoulder, blushing slightly.

"Just sit down, Spiderboy." You said pointing to your couch.

"You still like the Yankees though, right? Even if you're from Boston?" He asked, plopping down on the couch.

"Okay, first off I have never been to Boston, I grew up in California. Second, I love the Yankees, especially Aaron Judge." You said sighing happily.

"You love me better, though" He pointed out, "Plus..." 

He was cut off by the sound of something charging up. There was a loud crash of glass, and Ironman burst through a widow. He landed on the ground, his facemask flipping up.

"Underoos, I told you not to go after her. What did you do? Go after her is what you did" He yells. Peter shrank back into the chair slightly.



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