In a Loki Kinda Way

574 12 1

A/n: Requested by VanillaHorizon. Prompt #1 from the prompt list.

Waking up to a dagger pointed at your throat is exactly as terrifying as you'd this it is. The thing that freaked you out more was that the person who was pointing it at you, had a partner guzzling down alcohol like it was water. You tried to push away the knife, but the man only moved it down so it was aimed at your heart.

"Give the girl a break," The woman says, taking a giant gulp of the brown liquid, "Waking up to a dagger would be worse than any hangover,"

"She's not exactly wrong," You point out, holding your hands up in surrender, "Scrapper 165, who are you?"

"Scrapper 142 and that's Loki," the woman says pointing to the man with the dagger.

"So that's the guy Grandmaster wants to fu-"You start, looking at him up and down.

"I am a Prince of Asgard, " He says, walking away from you with wide eyes.

"Sorry, Your Highness," You scoff, "So that's the Prince the Grandmaster wants to..." You ask.

"Yup," The woman says, smashing the bottle onto the floor before taking another one and drinking it.

"So why didn't we just?" You drag your finger across your throat slowly.

"I don't see how tracing his throat would do anything wrong. I mean I won't judge if you're in that sort of thing," She replies, leaning on the alcohol cabinet.

"She wants to kill me," Loki points out, flipping his daggers in circles.

"Oh, his brother would kill us," She says spinning in a circle before falling to the ground laughing.

"And your brother is?" You ask, looking toward the man with raven hair.

"Thor. Big, strong, likes to hit people with lighting." He says, pulling the woman onto the bed next to you. She slumps onto your arm, snoring.

"Great, that is honestly so amazing," You say sarcastically, "So what do you need me for?"

"You're the only one who can fly that ship over there to Earth,"

You push the woman onto your pillow, and stand up. Your t-shirt barely covers your thighs, making Loki blush slightly.

"Eyes up here, Princey." You say, smirking as he stutters an apology, "So where's the ship?"

He points through the window to a box-like ship that was white and gold. You looked back at him with a smile. He looks at you with a confused expression as you turned back to the ship. 

"You've got the right gal," You say, "Now let's go,"

*                                                                            *                                                                   *

"Where are we headed?" The woman complains, getting up from the makeshift bed you had created out of some towels and blankets. You turn from your position as the pilot to look at her.

"While you were taking a nap, Princey and I started to head for Earth," You tell her, looking back at the controls.

"My name's not Princey," He mutters, standing up from his chair.

"Yes it is, Princey," The woman says, patting his head like a dog.

"Go away Valkyrie," He responds, pushing Scrapper 142 away.

"You're a Valkyrie?" You say, suddenly stopping the ship. The sudden motion sends the man flying towards the window and landing at the very edge of the ship.

"Is there a problem?" She growls, taking a lunge toward you. 

"Nope, that just means you're actually Loki," You say starting the ship again.

"Who do you think I was?" He asks confused.

"Princey aka Grandmaster's new plaything," You say, shrugging.

He rolls his eyes before sitting down next to you. You look down at the time you had left in the trip.

"We have 2 minutes left in this adventure. Is there a place you want to drop me off or something?" You announce, looking at your passengers.

"Avengers top secret base if you can ever find-"Loki starts, staring out as the star fly past.

"Got it," You say. You push the accelerator, making your ship almost hit star speed.

"So what are you going to do after we leave?" He asks, watching as you press buttons in a flurry.

"Catching Feelings, Princey?" You ask him as you press the de-accelerator, which happened to be a green button.

"Nope, just wondering," He answers, turning away from you.

"Good," You agree, "To answer your question, I will be getting as far away from Earth as I can. It's not my favorite place," 

You finally arrive in Earth's atmosphere, stopping immediately. You get up from your chair and head toward the escape portal. You enter the base's coordinates, and motion for the visitors to get in. Valkyrie eagerly gets in, drinking some sort of tequila. Loki waits for a bit before getting in. 

"What about you?" He asks. You turn towards the keyboard before looking at high.

"I'm not getting on Earth. I'll probably go look for the Guardians of the Galaxy, do that for a while," You respond in a monotone voice.

"What about the pod?" He asks.

"Once you get on earth, it'll wait for an hour just in case you have any second thoughts. After that, it'll teleport back to the ship," 

"Oh," He says before you dislodge the pod sending it towards Earth.

*                                                                                   *                                                                                   *

You were flying away from the ship when the escape pod returned to your ship. You were surprisingly saddened to hear that no one had joined you. You set a course for the Guardians ship, not hearing the person sit down next to you.

"Surprise!" He said, making you smile.

"Let's go save the Galaxy, Princey,"


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