The Russian Ghost

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A/n: So since the last one was kinda sad, I wanted to have a short happy one. I was looking back on the prompt list and realized I missed a comment. I am so sorry VanillaHorizon for not seeing your comment. I really hope this is what you were looking for. Also, I need some requests. I am trying to push past a writer's block so some fresh ideas would be nice. Thanks in advance.

Clint, the prank king, finally found a way to mess with Natasha. Usually, she was hyperaware of his actions, but for some reason, she was just tired. She slowly walked to the training center where you were using a punching bag.

"Hey, Nat." You panted unwrapping your fists.

"Hey y/n" She yawned. Dark lines formed under her eyes when she stepped into the light.

"Tough night?" You asked pulling out your phone to check if you had any new messages.

"Yeah" she replied reaching for her revolver.  She loaded a bullet into it and aimed for a target. She pulled the trigger, but nothing happened. She pulled it again. She held it up to her face to examine it. Suddenly blue ink spits out from the muzzle, covering her face and part of her hair.

"Oh my god," You gasped running to her. You help out your gym towel. She grabbed it, using it to wipe the ink off her face. 

You heard soft laughing from above. Clint jumped from the vents and looked at Natasha, smirking.

"Got something there," He said motioning to her face. She growled, lunging at him. He ducked and ran out laughing. 

You turned to Nat who had a murderous look in her eye.

"Oh no," You said shaking your head. You stepped back a bit.

"Please. We can even get Tony back for dyeing your suit neon pink" She begged. You relented because 1) you wanted payback and 2) You didn't want to get on Nat's bad side.

"Fine" You murmured as she jumped up and down.

*                                                                                            *                                                                           *

You were behind a computer screen watching as Clint and Tony walked into his lab. Tony nodded a bit at Clint before turning to his computer. You saw in the corner of your screen Natasha giving you a thumbs up.

You pressed a key, cutting the lights in his lab. 

"What the Heck?" Tony muttered. You stifled a laugh as Natasha stealthily crept towards the guys.

"Tony? What's going on?" Clint asks, searching his pockets for a light.

Natasha lightly touched Tony's arm and blew on his neck. She ducked down as Tony whirled around. His eyes grew wide as he felt Natasha touch his other arm. 

"Are you touching my arm?" He asked Clint. Clint looked at him as if he had three heads.

"No, why?" Clint replied, still searching for a source of light. You slowly decreased the temperature on the room.

"RUN" Tony shouted terrified. He ran out of the room leaving Clint. Natasha turned towards him and grabbing an ice cube rubbed his arm.

Clint screamed in a high-pitched voice and ran out of the room. You increased the room's temperature and brought the lights back on. You saw Natasha laying on the floor laughing so hard that tears were spilling from her eyes. 

You were about to join in her laughter when you felt a presence behind you. You turned to see Clint standing there, arms crossed and glaring. You waved before jumping up into the vents, trying to get as far as possible from him.

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