How long

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"Sam" You whined, flopping down on the new leather couch that you had bought. He chuckled slightly but stopped after you glared at him. He wanted you to go with him to Tony's camping trip alongside some of the Avengers and Tony's friends. It wasn't that you hated the outdoors, you just couldn't be there overnight. It was probably because the last time you went camping, strangers had decided to 'relieve' themselves on your tent. Let's just say you were forever scarred.

"Y/n, baby, please," He replies, walking over to where your head has flopped over the side. He knelt down and brushed some of your hair out of your eyes. He knew that you didn't like camping, but he really wanted you to go.

"I don't wanna go," You complained, pulling yourself into a sitting position. You watched as he walked over to the kitchen to grab some food.

"Please, pretty please, pretty please with Falcon on top," he begs while grabbing a bag of marshmallows from the pantry. Your stomach growled at the site of the fluffy, sugar, white substance. You rolled your eyes and hopped off the couch. He laughed as you tried to grab them from his grasp. You stopped abruptly when you realized how close together the two of you were.

The two of you weren't dating, but sometimes it felt like it. It all started about four months. You needed to find a roommate to help pay for your flat. Sam was just tired of living with two super soldiers who wake up at the crack of dawn. You had met over a cup of coffee and it had blossomed from there. You really liked Sam, and sometimes you thought that he liked you too.

"Y/n," Sam says, jarring you out of your thoughts. You realized that you were still touching chest to chest so you took a step back. What you didn't realize was that Sam had accidentally dropped a container of honey on the floor. When you tried to move away, you slipped and landed right on your bum.

You looked up at Sam who was trying his hardest not to laugh at you. He offered his hand to you to help you get up. You, evilly, decided that the best way to get revenge on him for laughing is to join you in the sticky substance. Yanking his arm down, he landed straight on you, causing your hair to join the rest of you in the perilous situation.

Blushing slightly you pushed him off you. He laughed before pulling the both of you up.

"I'm going to take a shower," You mumbled, looking down at your hands. He nodded but didn't reply.

I'll admit, I was wrong, what else can I say, girl?

Can't you blame my head and not my heart?

I was drunk, I was gone, that doesn't make it right, but

I promise there were no feelings involved, mmh

You were sitting by the campfire as one of Tony's friends poured a cup of lake water down her shirt. Sam had finally convinced you to go, (outline) after promising that you two could sleep in the same tent, and you didn't regret the decision. After cooking some smores, the team decided to play truth or dare with a twist. Whenever you were given a truth, you had to chug some beer and whenever you were given a dare you had to take a shot of the tequila Tony had provided.

"Okay, Sam, Your turn," Natasha points out, "Truth or Dare". You watched as he downed a shot before answering dare.

"I dare you to kiss y/n," Clint dares him, shooting you a quick wink. You put your hands up to your face to try to stop yourself from blushing. Sam nods before looking in your direction. He leans in and places a sloppy kiss on the girl next to you. Natasha gasped as the two continued to kiss until it became a full-fledged make-out session. You felt the blush leave your cheeks and tears begin to form at the corners of your eyes. You quietly stood up, leaving Sam and his new 'girlfriend' to themselves.

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