The New Guy

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A/n: Brought to you from one of my favorite users on Wattpad...A person. Don't forget, this is a hate-free zone. No matter what color, race, and or gender you are, love is a better option than hate. Without further ado, the story awaits.  It's a Boy! x Loki so if you don't like it, move on to a different story. Oh, I also wrote this story with Liana. You may recognize her from a different story. She has a key point in all of the stories, so she has a big story that will connect all of these stories (it's kinda like a certain movie that may be coming out on Friday)

You were out on the balcony watching the sun slowly rise over New York City. It was a peaceful moment in contrast to the ones you had on the battlefield. It had changed you, being an Avenger that is. You used to be some closed off, mean, cold person. After Pietro's death, however, that had all changed. You learned lessons like the importance of kindness, family, understanding. You had previously brought Bucky out of his sad demeanor, so it wasn't a surprise when Thor had asked you to help with his brother Loki.

"So you really think you can fix him, y/n" Tony asked you raising an eyebrow.

"Yes, Tony. No one is unfixable." You say as the elevator doors open. Out walks Thor with Loki glaring beside him.

"YOU BROUGHT ME HERE" He shouts at Thor annoyed.

"Yes, Now go and talk to Brother y/n," He says pushing his brother toward you.

 "This mortal is supposed to help me? I don't need help, you big oaf. Especially from...him!" He asks glaring at you. You raise your hands in defense.

"Look Loki, I'm sure I will help you in any way if you just let me in," You say in a neutral tone, making sure that he couldn't take it the wrong way.

"I. Don't. Need. You. Help. You. Mewling. Quim." He says clearly. 

"Hey!" Tony says standing up.

"Tony." You say sharply making him back off. Violence was going to get you nowhere, especially with someone that might have almost taken over Earth. 

"Look, Loki. I want to help you, I really do. But I'm not going to put up with derogative names. They're just mean and offensive. Why don't you just ask me for my name?" You offer.

"Okay, mortal. What is your name?" He sneers.

"My Name is y/n l/n of New York," You say making Thor laugh in the background.

"Well then y/n, I'll see you soon. Well, hopefully not too soon." He says stalking off to his room in Stark Tower.

*                                                                               *                                                                     *

You were hanging out with Liana about two weeks after Loki had first moved in.

"So you're telling me that Loki, the brother of Thor, is the new subject of your mind control" She laughs over her cup of peppermint tea.

"It's not mind-control, Liana. It's PMA: Positive Mental Attitude." You say over your glass of coffee.

"Someone's been watching too much Jacksepticeye" She mumbles under her breath.

"It's not like you don't watch it too." You say nudging her shoulder.  She giggles and you laugh.

"Fine, Fine. You caught me" She says raising her hands, "To be fair though, He just published a new Turmoil video" 

"Yeah, I saw it," You said, " I can't believe they actually made a character for him." 

"He deserves it though. He is just so awesome" She fangirls. You laugh at her face so hard that you were crying. You didn't notice when Loki stomped past. Liana suddenly stopped laughing.

"Y/n," She says pointing at Loki, "Something's wrong."

"Oh no," You said not knowing what happened this time. You quickly got up from your chair and ran after Loki. He went into his room and was about to slam the door when you stopped it.

"Go away Mortal," he growls.

"No," You say, not moving.

"I said go away." He demands.

"What's the matter Loki? You haven't been like this since before we actually met." You ask.

"I don't want to talk about it" He snarls.

"You were jealous? Oh, you were actually jealous?" You asked trying to hide a smile.

"No, I wasn't. Even if I was, it's not funny." He says glaring at you.

"No, I didn't mean it that way. It's just you thought me and Liana?"You ask smiling, "Loki, I'm not-err- I  don't swing that way," You say laughing.

"You mortals and your expressions." He grumbles.

"Loki, I'm gay," You say.

" You don't look happy?" He asks confused.

"No, not that gay," You say rubbing your head, "I like boys, not girls"

"Oh," He says looking up. It suddenly got really awkward between the two of you. It was like you were admitting to liking him.

"You and your brother" A voice came from the doorway. You both looked to see Liana leaning against the doorway.

"Just kiss him. Like honestly, I'm pretty sure Loki is all shades of gay. He gave mothered a horse for gosh sake. I'm pretty sure that kissing each other is the least of your concerns" She said.

"That didn't happen," Loki said.

"Until you can prove me wrong, I will believe that you did the unimaginable with a horse. When you gave birth, did it hurt?" She says snickering. Loki jumped up and went to chase her, but you grabbed his hand. He lent in and kissed you softly before breaking away to chase Liana.

"It didn't happen, Liana," 

"Lalalalala, I can't here you, Lalalalala...AHHHHHHH!"


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