All that you have

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A/n: This is a request from samatha2001wwe. I really hope you enjoy it. Some gore and blood. 

Ever since you were young, all you had was Bucky. Even when the world seemed at its worse, he always stood by you. Your parents, SHIELD agents, had been killed by HYDRA operatives when you were two.  HYDRA had then taken you in and trained you to be the next Winter Soldier. 

Bucky had been your mentor, so you had gotten to know each other fairly well. It was a constant cycle: meet, train, kill, memories wiped. Every time it was the same, until one day Barnes didn't come back. You thought you had been left behind, but in reality, you hadn't. Three months later, Bucky came back with the Avengers and got you out of there. From then on you had been side by side with him on every mission and in the tower. 

"Earth to y/n, y/n do you copy?" Bucky asked, waving his hand in front of your face. 

"y/n to Ol' man Barnes, how are those knees?"

"Fine, little Barnes, no thanks to you," He remarks.

"Mails here" Tony yells from the living room. 

You jump up from your seat on the kitchen counter, and race to where Tony is. You see that he was already giving out the other mail to the Avengers that had gathered to him.

"Taxes, fan mail, fan mail, New York adoption agency, fan mail, taxes, and more fan mail," Tony says aloud going through the letters.

"Uncle Tony," You complain, "Just give me the NYAA letter" 

"Only if you say who's the best Uncle" He taunts holding the letter just above your head.

"Steve," You remark, smirking, "He helps me with my civics homework"

"Fair enough," He says giving you the letter. You rip open the manila envelope and pull out the long letter from the NYAA.

Dear Mr. Barnes, we happily inform you that you request to adopt Ms. l/n has been approved. We will be in

"Well?" Tony asks

"They said yes," You say running over to Bucky, "They actually said yes!" 

Bucky stands up and gives you a giant hug. You could feel the happiness radiating off the both of you.

"I heard shouting," Your boyfriend Peter says running towards you. Bucky lets go of you so that you could show Peter the letter.

"They said yes, Peter, they approved Bucky as my dad," You say jumping up and down.

"That's amazing, sweetheart, I'm so happy for you," Peter says, picking you up and twirling you in a circle.

"Does that mean I have to ask him for your hand?" Peter says in a British accent. 

You shrug, as Peter turns to Bucky who is raising an eyebrow. 

"Mr. Barnes, I come to you as a humble Spider-man, asking for your permission to date your lovely daughter," He says keeping the accent.

You try not to laugh at the words 'Humble Spider-man' as Bucky pretends to contemplate his decision.

"You're a good kid, Pete, I trust that you'll keep her safe. Plus I know that either way the two of you won't be separated by anything, so yeah why not?" Bucky replies.

"My lady," Peter turns to you, "Let us go"

"As you wish, kind sir" You mimic him and grab his hand.

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