Those Three Words

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A/n: Thank you guys for all the support I've been getting. I really appreciate that people are willing to give me, a person that all of you have never met before, support and advice. I cannot thank you enough. This was a request from OuterspaceSebby.  Again, thanks. 

You were walking past one of the local markets when the owner stopped you. He looked you up and down before calling two of his friends over.

"Hey, Wha'cha think of this?" The show owner's Brooklyn accent rang out across the streets.

"I think he's a homo," His friend said motioning to your Pride Flag that was tied on your arm. 

"Actually," You groaned, " This flag stands for equality for everyone in America" 

You stood up, brushing the dirt off your knees. When you looked up, you could see the steam rising off the shopkeeper's head. He motioned something to his boys, and they nodded. They walked over to you and pinned you against a brick wall.

"Look, I don't care what the flag stands for. I just know that you are a gay. I hate gays." He said, spitting saliva on your face.

"How do you know? What if I'm just a supporter of the cause?" You asked. The shopkeeper growled, punching you in the stomach. He punched you again in the face, making your head slam against the wall.

You could feel as the blood slowly seeped out of your head, and you grew dizzy. You could hear the shopkeeper say something to you, but you couldn't understand it. You were about to remark when loud footsteps thundered near you. 

You suddenly felt the hands that were gripping you let go. You fell to your knees, cradling your head. When the shouting stopped, you felt something pick you up. You opened your eyes to see your boyfriend Steve carrying you.

"That was the third fight this week," He remarks, bringing you to his car.

"I didn't even do anything." You said, laying your head on the headrest.

"What did you say?" He asks, raising his eyebrow slightly.

"I just said that the flag," You motioned to your arm slowly, "stands for equality"

"You know that most people that want to hurt you don't care, right? Even if you are correct, they are still going to find a way to hurt you," Steve says, driving to your little apartment in downtown Brooklyn. 

Tony had paid for the apartment when the both of you were just roommates. Little did he know that it would be the best thing that he ever did. Although you were in a relationship, the both of you never said 'I love you' or anything similar to it. Those sacred words were something reserved for something special. While you knew your relationship was special, you didn't know if it was those three words worthy.

"We're home," Steve says nudging your shoulder slightly. You open your eyes to see that Steve had brought you onto the small leather couch in your living room. 

"Could you get me some ice?" You ask, touching the soft spot on your head. The bleeding had stopped, but the spot was going to swell if you didn't put any ice on it. 

"Sure," He says getting up and walking to the kitchen. 

"Steve, I know you don't like me getting into fights, but maybe it is for the better" You suggest.

You heard the freezer door slam shut and Steve's loud footsteps making their way to you.

"For the better?" He scoffs.

"Hear me out, I would rather get hurt and then saved by my awesome boyfriend than have someone that can't defend themselves. I know you think fights are always avoidable, but sometimes they're not. All I'm saying is that I don't want to see helpless people get hurt for something they believe in" You explain taking his hand and rubbing it gently.

"I just don't want to see another person I love get killed" He whispers. Your eyes widen at the word love. Does he love you? 

" love me?" You ask. His eyes widen at your words as if he didn't realize that he said that aloud. 

"Shoot," he groans running his hands through his hair.

"You're lucky I love you too," You reply shyly. He stops suddenly looking up at you.

"Say that again," He demands

"You're lucky I love you?" You say again confused. You see him smile widely. You roll your eyes and smile also.

"You are such a dork" You murmur.

"But I'm your dork" He points out.

"But you're my dork" You agree, "Now let's go to bed"

You walk over to the door leading to your bedroom, stopping at Steve's voice. 

"You do know it's like 1 pm, right?" He asks following you.

"I never said we were sleeping..." You say

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"You just blue-shelled me?!" You shouted

"Eat my dust, l/n" Steve said.

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