Classic Part 1 (Steve)

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You danced around in your Jeans and T-shirt while blasting MKTO. Tony was having a party later and still needed to find clothes and do your hair.  He said the theme was the 40's in celebration of some stupid fight you had won. It hadn't made any sense why the theme was 40's, but Bucky and Steve seemed happy. You grabbed your phone and texted Natasha.

Itsy Bitsy Spider:

I have the card, let's go.

Witch of the West:

Meet at the elevator



Itsy Bitsy Spider:


You pulled out a pair of blue converses and walked to the elevator. You saw Natasha and Wanda laughing like evil geniuses as the doors slowly closed. There was a loud noise and Cap's shield help the doors open. You and Steve high-fived as Natasha and Wanda groaned. you walked to the elevators and ducked under the shield before kicking it out of the doorway.

"When's the marriage?" Nat asked.

"What are you talking about?" You asked sending a glare to Natasha.

"You guys need to stop with the PDA" Wanda groaned.

"We are just friends you guys" You retort.

"That's not what your minds says" Wanda gleamed mischievously.

"Wannnda. How many times have I  said not to read my mind?"

"She's right, though" Natasha points out.

"Okay, fine. Maybe I like him, and maybe I would want a relationship with him, Maybe. But I'm not going to jeopardize our friendship because he doesn't return the feeling" you say. What you don't notice is that the elevator doors have opened revealing Bucky and Steve, "It's not fair to him, so until this feeling goes away we are just friends. Even if I like him, It's not like he's standing right behind me." Nat and Wanda exchange glances and looks at you apologetically. You face-palm and turn around. Somehow, Bucky manages to push Steve out of view, so that when you turn around you only see him.

"Oh hey Bucky, where's Steve,"You asked surprised. Usually, Bucky and Steve were inseparable, so you at first thought this was strange.

He glances quickly to the side and then answered "Getting clothes"

"Oh," you say the elevator doors closing.

"I couldn't help hear the problem you were going through," He says

"Great, you won't tell Steve right."

"No promises, but I can help you with it"

"O, awesome" you groan.

"Give a chance to speak." Natasha glares at me.

"Ok, I need you to find this exact dress and do this hairdo," He says showing me a picture the lady modeling the dress looks amazing.

"That's it?" you ask surprised.

"That's it" he responds. The elevator doors open and we all walk out. Heading to times square we look to get a dress.

*        change to Steve's point of view*

I was walking with Bucky discussing our clothing options.

"You know, we could always wear our old uniforms" Bucky suggested.

"Would that look good enough though?" I ask. 

We walk to the elevator and wait for it to come. I hear voices and look at Bucky. We exchange glances as the doors slowly open.

"But I'm not going to jeopardize our friendship because he doesn't return the feeling" Y/N's voice rang out, "It's not fair to him, so until this feeling goes away we are just friends. Even if I like him, It's not like he's standing right behind me" I quickly glance at Bucky in time to see his hand push me hard into the ground. 'Well,' i think to myself 'at least I know now for certain that she likes someone'. The doors close and I wait patiently here.

About fifteen minutes later, Bucky comes running to me. 

"Thanks for pushing me out of the way, Jerk"

"Watch it, Punk. I saved you"

"huh from what"

"Imagine Y/N face when she turns around just to see you standing there listening to her whole conversation. Plus I got her to wear the dress."

"The dress that Natasha wouldn't wear?"

"No the other one," He says pointing to his phone. One it had a picture of a woman modeling a red dress with a v-cut.

"That isn't something..." I start.

"Peggy would wear, yeah I know. but honestly, do you really want a repeat of Peggy or do you want y/n? It's your choice."

"Fine your right, but it still doesn't help our situation."

"what situation"

"Clothes," I say resuming our conversation.

"Right, I'm just going to wear my old uniform."

"I'll wear mine too," I say laying an arm over his shoulders.

"And you wonder why the fandom makes Stucky stories. If you two weren't dating people, I'm pretty sure you'd get married." Tony's voice rang out from the ceiling.

"Oh shut up, Tony," We both say.

"STUCKY FOR LIFE" he continues. 

Authors Note

That's it for part one. Just a quick note. I don't ship Steve and Bucky, but if you do that's fine. You are entitled to your own opinion, no matter what people say or do. :). Oh, one last thing. I could use some requests for stories. 

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