I'm so sorry

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Hey my fabulous readers and adventurers,

If you were there before this book even started to catch fire, you'll know that I was always persistent with uploading on a schedule. I wanted to create a little community in which we can all be ourselves without having to deal with the outside world.

I created this book at the start of the year and it's been one of the thing that I hold dearly to my heart. You get to see my experiences reflected through the stories that you read.

Recently, I've felt that I left you guys down. My stories have been pretty awful and Wattpad hasn't been inspiring to me as much. I want to make sure that my stories are ones that are relatively relatable, but they haven't.

Wattpad was and is a big part of my life, but I haven't had the same inspiration that I used to have. I've been having to spend hours and hours trying to find inspiration. I don't want that and you don't deserve anything but the best content that I can give.

Its been about 125 stories, and I need a bit of a break. I have a lot on my mind, struggling with my demons mostly, and I don't want that to bleed into my stories. I want to have PMA, as one of my favorite YouTubers calls it.

I'm so sorry that I have to do this, but I need a bit of a break. I love writing, but my works aren't my best. Its not going to be a break of a few days. I need about 2 weeks or so.

You deserve the best, so this is why I'm doing it. I also understand that I may get a bit of hate for even talking about this. I'm okay with that. I only want what's best for this community.

I know this sounds cliche and straight up weak. I'm sorry if you hate me after this. I feel so tired, not of this, but LIFE in general.

Hopefully after me going away, I can come back a better person and writer. I love each and everyone one of you so much. I love this community so much. Thank you for always being there.

I'm sorry,
Your Author

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