I guess this is the end 7, 8, 9, 10

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A/n: Final Part of my 'I guess this is the end' series. If you haven't figured it out, its a breakup series. Please note that there is some character like Sam or the friendly neighborhood Spidey that I have to some catching up on, so I wouldn't be publishing a sister story for a little bit. Don't forget to be an active reader, I really appreciate any comments, votes, or requests. Happy reading!


You didn't easily trust someone. You have had too many friends that had either stabbed your back or just deserted you. It wasn't a surprise when it took Thor months for you to fully open up to him. You had a surplus of walls built up around your heart, but dating Thor erased all of them. Your fellow Avengers noticed it too. You trusted them more and were a generally happier person. You were at peace, but that wasn't going to last long.

Thor had a bit of Asgardian beer during one of Tony many parties. It was like he was on a truth serum, only able to tell your friends about your secrets. You had run off to the bathroom o gossip with Natasha when it happened so you were completely unaware. Tony had noticed that you had gone away, so he decided to seize the chance o know some of your deepest secrets.

"So who's this Wiley dude?" He asks Thor.

"Wiley"*hiccup* "He was" *hiccup*, "he told a bunch of"* hiccup* "lies about Lady y/n and her friends," He says swaying slightly.

"Uhuh, like what?"

"Like She is a nothing" *hiccup* " because she's dumb and nobody cares" *hiccup* "Smart. She didn't want to tell anyone" *hiccup* "Because she was afraid of how you would react"

"Thor?" You said, your eyes starting to tear, "What...What are you doing?"

"y/n," Tony says looking at you, "It's not what you think"

"My Lady, I..."

"I'm...I'm just going to go now. I thought I..." you say tears rushing down your face.

"Lady l/n, please I" he started but you had already disappeared.

"Let her go, buddy. It's for the best" Tony said putting a hand on his shoulder.

"What have I done?"


Loki was the god of Mischief, and he exercised this name often, if not too much. As much fun as it sounds, it was sometimes awful living with the god, but you made it work. Today, however, you finally had enough. It had started off awful. When you got to work, your boss fired you because you 'had replaced the proper paperwork with something inappropriate' even though you had nothing to do with that. You had missed the bus ride home, and it started to thunderstorm dumping hundreds of water droplets onto your hair.

When you got home, the madness didn't stop. Pietro and Tony decided to put hair dye in your shampoo bottle, so when you took a shower to relax your hair turned flaming orange. You wanted to scream, but you held it in for Loki's sake. You didn't want to deal with an angry god right now.

As you walked out into the kitchen, a towel on your hair, you saw him smiling at you. You ran over and tried to hug him, but when you did, he vanished. You saw him leaning against the fridge, so you slowly approached. When you got within hands reach, he vanished, leaving you extremely angry.

"Loki Laufeyson, Come here right now!" you screamed. He appeared in front of you laughing.

"You think that was funny?" You say through gritted teeth.

"Extremely, but not as funny as the flames on your head," he says pointing at your hair.

"Ugh, can you just...just leave me alone, " you say.

"What do you mean," he asks smirking. You glare at him, before walking away from him. Before you disappeared, you looked at him and threw down a bracelet that he gave you.

"We are done Laufeyson."


Pietro believed most things that you said, so when you joked about breaking up he took it seriously.

"What do you mean, y/n," he says standing up from the couch.

"I was joking Pietro, chill," you say laughing at his expression.

"Well, if our relationship is such a joke, we're over," he says.

"You're not being serious, right? Right?" you say, but he had already disappeared.


You loved the people of Wakanda more than anything in the world. That's why it tore you apart when you found your birth parents. Ever since you had met T'challa, you wanted to find who gave birth to you and start a relationship with them. 

You were meeting them on Thursday, at the outskirts of the country, since they weren't exactly welcome in the kingdom. When you arrived at the meeting place, you didn't see anyone. You were looking around when you heard a click on the back of your head.

"Welcome y/n. Remember us?" a man says stepping out from the shadows with a woman attached to his hip. You squinted trying to figure out who they were, before gasping. They were the lead people who tortured you during your time at HYDRA.

"Why? I was your daughter." You say tears beginning to well up in your eyes. How could these people subject their daughter to HYRDA's torture?

"We are not giving you any answers before you call your dearest and tell him it's over." You glare at them, not wanting to do that.

"And what if I don't?"

"You and half of the population of Wakanda die," the woman says.

"I...Fine give me a phone" you sigh not wanting to do this. You dialed his number and held the burner phone up to your ear.

"Hello?" T'challa answers.

"Hey, Look I'm sorry"

"Y/n? What's going on? Why are you sorry?" he asks worriedly.

"It's over. Us." you say before hanging up, "I hope you're happy," you say to the man.

"Oh I am, just not as happy as I would be when I kill you"

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