How you meet: Sam Wilson

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The picture above is your sister: Isabel Fernandez 

You were supposed to take Director Fury's folders straightly to him, no questions asked. Well, that plan had gone down the drain as soon as you saw who the next target was. Isabel Fernandez. Age 18. Relations- Y/N sister. Danger level-high. You were close to your sister growing up, and she never was dangerous. In fact, she used to cry whenever you would squish a mosquito or any other creepy crawly that entered your room at night. Sure she was adventurous and did some stupid things, but she never had a high danger level.

You brought Fury the files, but withheld the one with your sister's name. Files can be replaced, but your sister's life can't. Once Fury dismisses you, you go back to your room at Avengers Tower to see what she had done now. You researched her in the database but came up with nothing. You tried online, but again nothing came up. It was as if she had disappeared off the face of Earth. Finally, you reluctantly called the one person you could trust with missing people, Steve.

"Hey, Y/n." He says.

"Hey Steve, I need your help on something" He doesn't respond but after a little bit, you hear him say 'on your left'

"With..." he asks returning to the call.

"Private Information," you say.

"Okay, I'm running right now so I come over once I finish." 

"yeah sure" you agree.  You don't hear him for a bit, but when you do you hear him say 'on your left' again. The poor soul that has to deal with Steve.

"Hey Y/N, you wouldn't happen to have an extra change of Ken's clothes?" He asks.

"Huh, yeah. They wouldn't fit you." You say questioning why Steve would need an extra change of clothes.

"Great, I'm bringing a friend" He points out before hanging up. You go to Ken's, your brothers, old room and grabbed an extra change of clothes. He was supposed to have all his stuff moved out by now, but it was Ken so now meant in two years.

*                *               *

After about forty-five minutes, the doorbell rings. You go and look through the peephole, seeing as Steve and his buddy were here. His friend had dark skin like your sister's and short black hair. He was dressed in a grey sweatshirt and green shorts. He looked tired while Steve just looked energized.

"Hey Iceberg, How's life doing?" You say opening the door.  He rolls his eyes and laughs a bit.

"Not bad, Zatanna. This is Sam Wilson" He waves a bit before walking into the living room. You grab Ken's clothes and hand them to Steve who hands them to Sam. 

"Go take a shower, you need it," Steve says. Sam looks at you, but you only shrug. He walks down the hall before disappearing behind closed doors.

Steve eyes you suspiciously before sitting on the couch. 

"So" he starts "what private info did you find out this time". you tell him about what happened, starting with Fury telling you to get the files to where you discovered that your sister was being hunted by S.H.I.E.L.D. 

"Fury's got to have a good reason. Have you checked the database?" he asks.

"Yeah and online. Nothing shows up, which is rare because she used to post all the time on Instagram." You remark.

"Well when was the last time you actually talked to her," a male voice says. You spin around only to see Ken's clothes on Sam's body. The looked tight around the ankles and wrists, but other than that, they fit perfectly.

"Well... That would have been two weeks ago. She didn't stop talking about how she got a job with Vogue. She went on and on about it" You say rolling your eyes.

"Did she mention where it was taking place?" Sam asks.

"In Queens. It's in the place where the Unisphere is" You respond.

"One Problem," Sam says looking at his phone.

"What," you ask worriedly.

"Steve's bestie is going to be there," He says while showing you a news app. The headline for the most recent story is: World Famous Tony Stark Plans to be at Photoshoot in Queens

"Oh yay, Tinman had to choose this photoshoot to come to." you groan.

"What's with the nicknames?" Sam says aloud.

"Easy," you respond "Steve's Iceberg because he was stuck in ice for seventy years, I'm Zatanna because I can control magic," You say shrugging.

"Yeah right," He remarks. You roll your eyes and cast an antipathy spell.

"Punch me, I dare you" You deadpan.

"Umm okay?" He says. He swings back and hits you. Because of the antipathy spell, the pain is transferred to him.

He groans in pain and rubs his shoulder.

"What was that?" he asks still in pain.

"Antipathy spell. Damage inflicted upon me gets transferred to you." He gets off his knees and slowly stands up.

"How the heck do you even have these powers?" He asks.

Steve stands up and turns around, looking at you. You never revealed your parentage to anyone, not even Fury. No one knew how you had these powers except you and your sister. Now that she was in danger, there was no way that you could keep who you are to Steve or Sam.

"I am a direct descendant of Daedalus on my dad's side, who is the son of Athena and Hephaestus. Also, my mom is Hecate. Basically, I'm ninety percent god." They stare in wonder at you, and they break into laughter.

"That makes so much sense" Steve laughs. You lift your eyebrows in confusion.  "Tony and I made a bet. I said that you were some demigod and tony said you were part of the Asgardian Race."

You roll your eyes then join in the laughter. It felt good after so many days without even smiling. It was so hard to be happy without your sister.

"Ok," Sam says after he stops laughing. "We have a sister to save. She's not magical right?"

"Nope adopted." You reply, still smiling.  If this is what your life was like after this all blows over, you could finally live in peace. 

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