Soulmate AU

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A/n: Sry it's so short. I could use some requests if you want to suggest them.

You had a large black hand shape mark on your knee. Let me explain, everyone had a black mark somewhere on their body. Supposedly that was where your soulmate would first touch you. If you were lucky, you had it on your hand. If you weren't, you had it someplace else. This didn't stop people from dating each other. I guess people just wanted to fill up their time with something that was going to end badly, but you didn't exactly care.

It wasn't that you didn't care about the whole dating nonsense, but you just didn't find the point in dating someone that wasn't the "one". Because of this, you mostly stayed huddled up in you lab trying to make a formula to temporarily erase the huge black mark. 

You were pouring a liquid into a beaker when a strange voice came from the doorway to your lab.

"I suggest that you don't pour the acid into the beaker." The voice said.

"And why not?" You asked annoyed. You didn't like strangers in your lab.

"Because it will explode, I suggest for you to check your notes." He says. You quickly scanned your notes and noticed that you had put water in the beaker instead of the normal ADCIDKTNO (a different chemical I don't know the name of). You groaned and looked up at the doorway where the man used to be.

"Check your shoulder, princess," The man says from behind you. You glance at your shoulder to see a tannish pale hand on it. You take a step back and elbow the man in the gut. You grab a pen and turn lunging at the stranger. When you do, you see Tony Stark holding his stomach on his knees. 

"Sorry, Mr. Stark." You say sighing.

"It's Tony. Now if you don't mind, I'm here to offer you a job to work at Stark towers with Dr. Bruce Banner and myself. You don't exactly look like you have anything to do soo..."

"Yeah sure. It's the least I can do for punching you in the stomach"

*                                                                   *                                                            *

You walking into the lab not noticing the doctor working silently in the corner. You place your stuff down and start working on the serum. You were adding some chemicals when you heard a screech. You looked up to see that the Doctor had tripped on your stuff and was going to fall. You took a step to catch his fall, but you missed. He put his hands out to catch his fall and accidentally brushed your leg, more specifically the knee.

You felt a tingling and on inspection found that the black mark was slowly fading. You looked at the doctor to see that he was still spiraled out on the ground. You help him up and see that his mark had also faded away.

"Hello, You must be my soulmate," You say looking in awe at the doctor.

"Hey...Dr. Banner" He says pushing his glasses further up his nose.

"Dr. Banner, his soulmate... What's up?" Tony says walking into the room, "I just ruined the mood huh"

"Yep," You both say at the same time. 

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