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I saw him.

It's been 2 months since I've seen that face. School started again and i see him leaning against his locker with some girl. We ended on bad terms, but dang, i really fucking missed him.

"Hey Aaliyah!" Ethan called out to me.

"Hey Eth, how was your summer break?"

"It was great, missed having you around the house though. How's things been?"

"Could be better," I pouted, staring at Grayson across the hallway. Ethan sighed. He knew how i felt about Grayson. Ethan pulled me into his embrace, and i could smell his cologne latch onto me.

First period started and i walked into my Psychology class, to find Grayson and his new eye candy flirting with eachother. I tried my best to ignore them, and i walked to the furthest seat in the back placing down my books.

Throughout the whole lesson i saw them laughing and passing notes to eachother. I miss what we had. Fuck you Grayson.

You're probably wondering - Why do i have such a huge grudge against him?

Well honey, you're in for a ride.


'Hey princess, you wanna sleep over tonight? It's too late for you to go home anyway,' he said with a frown.

'I might as well,' replying with a giggle.

He wrapped me in his arms and we began falling asleep. I swear i could do this forever. Half an hour gone past and we hear a phone go off. It wasn't mine because my phone was on silent.

Grayson turns over, rubbing his sleepy eyes to answer the phone call. I notice his eyes open wide.
"Who is it Gray?"
"It's no one baby, go back to sleep. I'll be back." He said hurriedly as he walks out the room onto the balcony.

Well, that was weird.
10 minutes go past and he's still out there so i decide to check on him.

"I told you not to call me at this time. Why are we even fighting about this, i made it clear last night." he sounded really angry.

Last night? But he was with Ethan last night? Atleast, that's what he told me.

"No one can know about us, what we did."
"Don't you dare say a word, Aaliyah would hate me for this."

"Hate you for what Gray?" I decided to speak up.

He turned around with a shocked face and quickly hung up.


"Uh, I, um," he stuttered. It was something bad.

"Just spit it out," i was losing my patience.

"Princess, please don't misund---"

"I don't even know what i'm misunderstanding about yet, i'm letting you explain before i jump to conclusions."

He sighed. "How much did you hear?"

"Why? So you can lie about the parts i didn't hear?" I looked at him as if he thought i was an idiot.

"Well, i was going out with Ethan last night and we bumped into Eri--"

"Erica." I finished his sentence. "What did you do Grayson." I said gritting my teeth.

"We went out to a pub for a couple drinks and we met some of our friends there. Erica happened to be with them and i swear it wasn't intentional. I was ignoring her the whole night and she was trying to force herself on me. But i kept pushing her off."

"Wait so, you're telling me you were with her last night while you were texting me. And you didn't even bother to TELL me about that?"

"I didn't want to make you worry or upset."

"Well that worked out great, didn't it" i say rolling my eyes.

He looked down with guilt on his face. There was more to this story. I looked at him to let him continue.

"We, um, had a bit too much to drink. Everyone ended up coming back to our place, and so did Erica.."

As he said that, i gave him the 'are you fucking serious' look.

"We stumbled into my room and i guess things escalated from there. She began kissing on me and i guess i didnt stop her. One thing led to another and we..."

Tears formed in my eyes. "Oh grayson.." My heart dropped.

He took a step towards me and i took one back.

"You.. brought your ex girlfriend back to your house. Onto that bed *pointing back into his room* that WE share. The bed that we SLEEP in together?" I scoffed in disgust. "We haven't even done it ourselves." I was more angry than hurt. I knew Grayson hated Erica from their past, but never would i think he would allow her into his house, let alone his room.

I began walking back into his room, picking up my bag of clothes and phone.


And with that, i walked out his house crying, taking an uber back home at 2am. I refuse to stay another minute with him. Knowing he wasn't even going to tell me, that i had to find out for myself.

He obviously tried calling and texting but i blocked his number and never returned any of them. Ethan tried getting me to talk to Grayson, but i wouldn't. I was head over heels for this kid, but i would never let a boy out here making me look stupid while i'm devoted to him.

2 years. Just gone to waste.

From then, he eventually gave up. Started seeing other girls, bringing them home. Constantly drinking and going out. The Grayson i had once fallen in love with was long gone.


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