Sixty five

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Aaliyah's POV

"G-gra-" i stopped myself from saying his name. Yet, he still turned around anyway with that little hope he had in his eyes.

I looked around the ground desperately avoiding my eyes from his and gulping that lump in my throat. I took a deep breath before looking up at his big, olive eyes that i love so much.

"T-take.. take care of yourself okay?" i said giving him a fake smile. The hope in his eyes had left and his face was now lost and soft.

"You too," was all he said before he continued walking away.


I was continuously pacing myself back and forth in Amy's room replaying the moments i shared with him today at the river.

"Babe if you don't stop walking i'm going to get so dizzy," Amy jokes as she licks her finger to flick the page in her magazine. I roll my eyes and plop myself down right next to her on her bed.

"I'm such an idiot! I shouldn't have let him walk out like that," i tell her. She turns her head facing me raising her eyebrow.

"Honey that boy is head over heels for you. You can say the words and he will be right back there next to you," she replied. I nodded my head knowing she was probably right. Grayson is still here in LA for two more days, and after that, no more Grayson. The thought just breaks my heart, although i was living without Grayson for a few months anyway since he was on tour.

You can't do that to yourself Aaliyah! Are you stupid? He broke you. Why do you want someone like him back in your life? You can do better.

No, Grayson treats me like a princess. No one has ever made me feel the way he does! Yes, he's hurt me but who doesn't make mistakes right?

Alcohol is just an excuse when it comes to cheating.

God, i wish the voices in my head would shut the fuck up.

"Ally?" Amy says casting me out of my thoughts. I shake my head and look at her.

"Look, i know he loves you and honestly probably more than you love him. If he makes you happy then go for it, but if not then be careful of the choices you make. I've already given Grayson an earful when i was talking to Ethan the other day," she says rolling her eyes.

I love Amy. I mean, you could already tell. Even though she doesn't approve of many things because she puts my wellbeing before anything, she still allows me to make the choices i want to make myself happy. She's not controlling and does things because she thinks it's 'better' for me, but she does give me great advice.

"I'm setting myself up for heartbreak oh my God," i say face palming myself.

"You wanna get some food?" she asks laughing. I smile back at her and nod.

We both get into her car, myself in the passenger seat. I turn on the radio and we sing along to all the songs playing.

"IT TASTES SO FUCKING GOOOODDD," Amy exclaims as she takes the first bite.

"I've been craving for so long," i reply taking a bite out of my taco. I take a sip from my red velvet milkshake and literally drool because it was so yummy.

As i was eating i see my phone notifications going crazy on instagram. I unlock my phone and go onto the app.

Well, i'm guessing everyone found out Grayson came back to LA. There were photos spotted of him walking downtown with Ethan by his side. Obviously me being his 'ex-girlfriend' i was constantly tagged in many photos of him and that's a real downfall to being known on the media. No matter who, or how long you've been together with someone, you will always see pictures of yourself tagged with them. I sigh to myself and just turn off the tagging option, so that no one could see the photos i was tagged in.

Amy seems to notice and she takes my phone out of my hand.

"What the—" she places her index finger over my lips telling me to hush.

"We're here to eat and enjoy each other's company. Forget the media, him, just everything. Pay attention to meeeee, i'm here," she says sternly but still joking around. Her attention suddenly goes to her phone and she smiles to herself.

"What happened to enjoying each other's company?" i say mockingly copying her words. She rolls her eyes and looks at me with a cheesy smile that showed her pearly white teeth clearly.

"Ethan just texted me that he was going to come stay with me tonight and tomorrow before he leaves," she said. I pout my lips at the thought that i couldn't even see Amy for another two days. I mean, i could and i'm sure Ethan wouldn't mind but i hated the thought of being a third wheel and a cock block.

I just smile and wink back at her as we continue eating our food.

We finished eating and decided to drop by an ice cream store for dessert. You can tell, we love food. I got my usual cookie dough of course and Amy bought the rainbow ice cream which i use to love as a kid. We sat down at a table and just had small conversation and enjoying the atmosphere.

"Should i tell Ethan to bring Grayson over? I think that you two should talk. Properly," she says out of nowhere. My eyes widen at her words because i didn't expect that to come from her.

"No.. no no, i don't want to see him."

"Don't make a choice you'll regret Ally. You have two days."

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