Forty nine

427 3 4

Aaliyah's POV

We took photos with some fans and then we left. Grayson and Ethan helped us with our luggage back into Ethan's car. Amy obviously sat in shotgun and Gray and i were in the backseat.

"How did you guys know we were coming?" i ask them.

"The fans told us everywhere in the comments and tweets," Gray replied. I smiled to myself and so did everyone else.

"I guess some people just saw you and Amy at the airport and assumed you were coming. We just took a chance on it and came to the airport," Ethan said keeping his eyes on the road. Ethan interlocked his fingers with Amy's and kissed the back of her hand. My heart. I rested my head on Grayson's shoulder and slowly fell asleep.


We made it back to the boys house and they both carried Amy and i from the car to the living room because we were tired as hell. Gray gently placed me on the couch and i woke up rubbing my eyes.


"Huh? Are you okay Aaliyah?" Gray asked looking at me confused. I shook my head and started laughing.

"Huh, oh. I guess i'm still out of it," i said and he gave me a kiss on my forehead before walking out to grab the rest of my stuff. I moved a bit on the couch before i felt something else on here with me.

"Ally! That hurt," Amy yelled. Oops.

"Sorry babe didn't see you there," i said giggling. I stretched my arms out and stood up walking into the kitchen. Gray's house is like my second home, i knew where everything was and he said i could help myself to whatever whenever. Mainly because he sucks at cooking a majority of the time, but hey, he knows how to make pancakes at least.

I looked through the fridge and grabbed an apple juice bottle and poured it out into a cup with ice.

"You hungry babygirl?" Gray asked walking into the kitchen.

"Not really, but lets go out tonight for dinner," i suggested. He nodded his head and walked over to me wrapping his arms around my waist from behind. I could feel his heart beating as we just stood there in silence, a comfortable one.

He kissed my cheek and slowly starting kissing down to my neck and collarbone. I turned around and looked at him face to face.

"No," i said.

"Why noooooot," he said dragging out the word.

"Your brother and my best friend is in the other room Grayson." All he did was smirk and lifted me up so that i was sitting on the counter, and he was standing in between my legs. He smothered me with kisses and i let out a small moan which i quickly covered my mouth with my hand.

I felt Grayson grinning as he sucked on my neck knowing he was pleasuring me from these simple gestures. It was killing me because i wanted this as much as he did, but we weren't alone.

"Hey Gray, i just wa—— woah," Ethan said walking in. I pushed Grayson slightly off me and he rolled his eyes in annoyance. Ethan stood there awkwardly scratching the back of his head, and i was blushing looking at the ground.

"Uhmm, i just wanted to know where you put my keys. I left some stuff out in the car," Ethan said. Gray felt around his pants and pinched out the keys from his left front pocket and threw them to Ethan.

"Thanks bro."


"Oh Aaliyah, darling! I haven't seen you in so long," Lisa said pulling me into a hug. She treated me like i was her own, and i always felt so welcomed being here.

"So good to see you again Aaliyah," Sean said and he did the same pulling me into a hug. The atmosphere was great, but i haven't seen Cameron yet. She was staying at a friend's house but would be back next morning so i was excited for that.

Grayson's family treated me better than my own in my opinion. There wasn't anything wrong with mine, it's just that we didn't spend a lot of time together unlike Gray's family. I understand because they're busy but i wish things were different.

Lisa and Sean got changed and went to their close friend's house. We were meant to have dinner tonight but they said they weren't busy tomorrow so change of plans. It was just Gray, Ethan, Amy and i.

"I'm too tired to go out tonight honestly," Amy whined. I agreed and we all sat in the living room watching some random movie which i wasn't paying attention to. Ethan was sucked into the movie and Amy was wrapped up in a blanket cuddling next to him.

I was cuddled up next to Gray on the other side of Ethan and Amy. Our blanket was spread across both of us and Grayson's arm was around my shoulder on the couch.

I decided to have a little fun.

I placed my hand on his leg under the blanket and his attention still on the TV. I slowly move my hand up towards his inner thigh and i see him licking his lips, gosh did it really turn me on. I see him gulp in his throat as i move closer and closer to his manhood and clear his throat. He turned his head towards me and shook his head. His eyes were telling me no but his dick was telling me otherwise because once i reached it, i felt his hard on. I chuckled a bit and palmed him through his sweatpants.

A sigh fell from his mouth and closed his eyes trying to control himself. He leaned in closer to me and whispered into my ear,

"I'm going to fuck you so hard you won't be able to walk the rest of the time you're here princess. Daddy doesn't play around like that."

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