Ninety eight

301 3 3

A/N : I am sooo sorry for not constantly updating. I went from updating everyday to once a week and that's because of studies and obviously working as well. I am trying to update every few times that i can throughout the week so that i can publish it at the end of the week, but things never go to plan. But i hope you still like it and i made this one a little extra longer! 


Aaliyah's POV 

"I TOLD YOU I'M NOT DOING THIS," I yell at Grayson who was bear hugging me to stop me from escaping. All he did was laugh his ass off. 

"Come on babe, we went to the beach and did your thing. I just wanna go sky diving," he chuckles. I slowly being calming myself down and somewhat breathing normally. He lets go of me and that was when i made my run for it. 

"Too slow baby," Grayson says as his long arm reaches for me and traps me in a bear hug once again. 

"Damn it," i mutter under my breath. Grayson had already been sky diving with Ethan ever since they were in Australia, he even conquered his fear of heights and i'm extremely proud of him. BUT, this was not on my bucket list and i'm shit scared of heights which i don't plan on getting over. 

"What's the worst that could happen?" he asks me. 

What's the worst that could happen? We could DIE. 

Am i exaggerating? I don't think so. I wanted to have a calm day just like when we were at the beach, and this little shit decides that we should jump out of a fucking plane. He's delusional, and not to mention crazy. 

"It's so much fun, i promise you. Nothing bad is going to happen. i won't let that happen to you," he reassures me. I pout my lips and cross my arms like a kid. 

"okay 3 year old, let's go. I'm about to show you what fun really feels like," he says dragging me from the car and in to the reception. 

"Can't you show me 'fun' another way?" i ask using my fingers as quotation marks. He smirks. 

"I can show you, but later tonight," he winks. I roll my eyes feeling them go all the way to the back of my head.  I know that feeling all too well, just not as my boyfriend is forcing me to go sky diving with him. 

I was standing by the window as Grayson was talking to the woman at the counter. As soon as he was finished, he wraps his arms arund my waist from behind and kisses the top of my shoulder. He holds his arm up as i realise he decided  to vlog. 

"You're vlogging? You never do that," i question. He shrugged and smiled happily. 

"It's a special occasion, how could i not?" he replies. He presses record and begins filming around the place. 

"Welcome to back to Aaliyah's channel! I know what you're wondering, why am i the one with the camera today? Well, i'll let her tell you," he stops taking and points the camera in my direction and i pout my lips once again nervously. 

"We're sky diving today," i say monotonously. Grayson scoffs and laughs at my expression. 

"Come on babe, be more enthusiastic! The viewers want to see this," he encourages. 


"FUCK GRAY IS IT TOO LATE TO BACK OUT NOW," i squeal. I see Grayson behind me face palming himself shaking his head. 

"Yes princess, we have one more minute until you're ready to jump out," he says taking my hand in his. He tries his best to comfort me but all i'm thinking about is that in less than a minute, i'm going to be flying. Grayson told me to go first in case he jumped, and i bailed last minute. He's smart though, i'll give it to him. 

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