Sixty six

329 2 7

Aaliyah's POV

No call, no text, nothing from Grayson. I mentally kick myself in the brain because i don't know what i want. Well, maybe i do know what i want, i'm just scared. How do you trust someone after all that, yet still feel the same way? People amaze me. My brain does not.

Amy's too busy with Ethan and i don't really want to interrupt their last few days together. I wonder what Grayson's doing.

Shut up Aaliyah, no you don't.

I sigh out loud and decide to just call my mom in hope that she could probably help me. Sadly, just like i expected, she didn't pick up. I know she will call me back later but i kinda need her help now and i'm running out of time. Fuck it, i'll just go out for a run.

I really need to clear my mind. I put on my leggings and a hoodie, i slip on my sneakers and head out the house with my keys and phone. With music blasting in my ears and the wind blowing in my face, i felt at peace.

I decided to slow down as i reached a nearby park and just enjoy what nature has to offer. I continuously kicked at the leaves on the ground and jamming to the song playing. Until of course, i bumped into something. Or someone.

"Watch where you're go--," he stops in the middle of his sentence and he just stares.

"Uhh-uh i'm so sorry, it was my fault. Are you okay?" i ask stuttering. The boy was still looking at me in awe and to be honest, i felt quite uncomfortable. He had long, brown hair, like that surfer boy type hair. He had a few cute freckles that spread along his face and a smile that could kill. I break the awkward tension by apologising once again and begin walking away.

"H-hey um," he says quickly grabbing onto my wrist. I turn back to look at him confused and scared. He notices and pulls away.

"Uh sorry," he replies awkwardly scratching the back of his head. He didn't say anything for about a minute. I look at him waiting for what he was about to say next, but this was too strange and i just felt like i bumped into a complete weirdo.

"You're really pretty, why don't you get some coffee with me if you're sorry?" he asks. I cringe my forehead at confusion, but then thinking he's probably not good at asking girls out, which was cute. But he wasn't Grayson.

"Sorry, but my boyfriend is waiting for me," i lied. He nods his head in response and bites the inside of his cheek. He licks his lips before looking straight at me again.

"Oh um, sorry then don't worry about it. My name is Jordan. Hope to see you around some time then," he says.

"Aaliyah," i reply with a smile and with that, i jogged off. Man, he seemed like such a sweet guy. Fucking Grayson, why did i have to be in love with him? Did i regret it though? No, it's Grayson. Grayson Dolan. Every girl's dream guy and every guy wanted to be him. I mentally roll my eyes at the thought and checked my phone which was vibrating.

"Hey babe! What you up to?" Amy asks.

"I'm just out for a run, why?" i ask getting to the point.

"Ethan and i were gonna go out to eat, you wanna join us? Pretty please," Amy asks using her cute voice. Damn it, i could never say no to her like that and she knew it.

"I don't want to third wheel, plus you two should be having quality time together," i reply. I could hear the girl whining on the other side of the phone.

"You won't be third wheeling, trust me. Also, Ethan wants to see you too! Are you forgetting you two are friends?" Amy says reminding me. Oh yeah, Ethan. He exists too. I laugh to myself and face palm.

"Yeah alright, text me the address and time and i'll be there. Love you, bye" and i hung up the phone. I ran back to the house to take a shower because i looked oily and just smelt like sweat. I walk into the house and as always, no one was home.

I ran upstairs to my room and i turned on the hot water in the shower. I tie my hair up in a bun because i couldn't be bothered washing it. It was just Amy and Ethan anyway. I strip myself from my drenching-in-sweat clothes and hop in the shower.

It was a well earned shower. I wrap the towel around my waist as i reach for my phone on the bathroom counter. Reading Amy's text of the location, she told me i had half an hour. I dry myself and walk freely naked to my closet because who is gonna see? I grab some white jeans and a black crop top with my high boots to complete my outfit. As for my hair.. i'll just let the wind do its magic somehow.

I grab my keys and phone and was on my way to meeting the love birds.

As i reached the location Amy texted me, i called her and she told me to come in since she was already there. It was a pretty big store for it just being a cafe. There was even a stage for evening performances and just anyone who had talent, of which i had none. It had a cute naturistic theme and i was really feeling the vibe of the cafe.

My eyes scan the area of the cafe and they landed on Amy who was sitting next to Ethan. I walk over to them and greet the both of them with a hug.

"YAY you're finally here! I missed you bub," Ethan says. I laugh and tell him i missed him too. I take a seat opposite Amy and realise there were already 3 coffee mugs here.

"Did you already order a drink for me? And you drank from it too?" i ask chuckling as i look at the rim of the mug that was drank out of. I look up at Amy and Ethan to see them both have a weird look on their face. Oh no.

"What did you do Amy?" i ask getting annoyed. Her lips form a straight line and she wouldn't even look at me.

"Grayson's in the restroom right now," Ethan tells me. My eyes open widely at the words that were just spoken and i quickly stand up from my seat almost tripping over from the chair's leg.

"Hey be careful. You were always the clumsy one," i hear a voice say as a pair of arms wrap around me, saving me from my fall. I stand up straight and come face to face, with none other than my ex boyfriend.

"You okay? Did you just get here? Sit down," he says pulling out the chair for me. I shake my head.

"No i was just leaving, but thankyou," i reply.

"But you just got here," Amy defends. I roll my eyes and pretend to check my phone.

"Sorry, my mom wants me to run some errands for her. I'll catch up with you later," i say waving as i walk out the cafe. What the fuck Amy. How could she trick me into this? How could i not see this coming? I think i'm the idiot.

I sigh as i get into my car resting my forehead against the wheel.

One more day..

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