Eighty five

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Aaliyah's POV

"I missed you so much," i say tightening my grip around his waist.

"I'm back for good baby," he says smiling as wide as a kid opening presents on Christmas day. I licked my lips as my eyes lay on his lips. I look up to see him already staring back at me. He leans in towards me and i feel our lips move together, in sync.

"Okay love birds, i'm ready to get out of here and go home," i hear Ethan say. Gray and i pull away from our kiss and chuckle.

Honestly waiting for the boys was such a long wait. Their plane was delayed as expected and we waited for another whole hour. It was worth it though, it always was. I was back in Grayson's arms and i felt a warm fuzzy feeling inside.

The boys grab their luggages and we head towards the car park. Amy unlocks the car doors and they put their suitcases in the boot.

"You're driving," Amy says chucking the keys to E. He pouts and sighs while Amy lets out a laugh.

"I'm kidding babe, i know you're tired. You and Gray just rest in the back, okay?" Amy reassures, taking back the keys and getting into the driver's seat. Grayson opens my car door for me in the passenger and he gets in the back seat with Ethan. Amy starts the car and begins making her way out of the parking lot.

"So you boys want to eat first or go home first?" I ask them looking in the mirror at them.

"Let's go home first and we can have a nap. Like an hour or so after we'll go to eat?" Ethan suggests. We all agree and Amy starts driving in the direction to the boys' apartment.

The car ride was filled with music blasting from Ethan's phone, and no one spoke. I looked back around halfway of our trip home to see E and Gray sound asleep. It was so cute because Grayson was leaning his head on Ethan's shoulder. Both their mouths were slightly opened and i heard light snoring. Twins, and they sleep the same too. How weird.

Amy pulled up to their apartment and we both got out from our seats. I opened the back seat door to Grayson who was still sleeping peacefully. I didn't want to wake him up but i think he'll be more comfortable in his own bed than to be laying in the car. I gently shook his shoulder and calling his name when he suddenly shook his head and opened his eyes slowly.

"What time is it?" He says tiredly.

"Time to get upstairs bub," i laugh and i help him get out of the car. Amy does the same with Ethan and the boys grab their suitcases from the back, and we begin making our to up to their room.

"The keys to the apartment are in my back pocket, could you grab it for me princess?" Grayson asks as he has no hands left to reach for the keys. I stick my hand in his right back pocket and grab the key. I unlock the door and the boys instantly drop their suitcases and head straight to their rooms. Amy locks the front door behind her and she looks at me.

"See you in an hour or something," Amy says giggling. I nod and we both walk into our boyfriends' rooms and shut the door.

I found Grayson immediately passed out on his bed, not even bothered to get underneath the sheets. I giggle and shake my head in disappointment. Walking towards his closet i pull out his spare blanket. I wasn't about to try pull his blanket from under him, that guy is heavy as hell. I put it on covering him, also getting underneath the covers as well.

As i get comfortable, i feel Gray turn around and wrap his arms around my waist pulling me closer. We were in a spooning position and honestly, his body just covers over mine completely.

"I .. love you .. Allllyyyy," Grayson mutters under his breath, clearly tired. I smile.

"I love you too baby."

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