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Aaliyah's POV

"A-Ally.. i was so .. scared," she said. Her voice was pitched and she kept stuttering. Her body was in shock.

"What happened? I'm right here, he can't hurt you anymore. I promise you," i said taking Amy's hand in mine, caressing the back of hers.
She looked up at me and my heart hurt for her. I have never seen her break down like this.

"I wanted to end things with him because i needed a break. He kept talking to other girls and denying it in front of me, even talking to them in person in while i'm right there. He acted as if i didn't exist. He came to my house just after i messaged you and he started..." Amy's voice cracked as tears were streaming down her eyes. She looked back down at her thighs not wanting to look straight at me.

"He started pulling off my shirt. He kept pushing me against the wall, slapping my face. He grabbed me so hard it felt like my blood was going to get cut off."

My eyes were scanning her body. Her beautiful body, that was beaten by a 'man' that supposedly loved her. You could see his hand print that dared to lay a finger on her flawless face. You could see bruises from where he grabbed her, harassed her, assaulted her. You could see the rips in between her shirt from where he tried freeing her from her clothing.

I pulled her closer towards me as her head laid against my chest and her arms wrapped around my waist. At that moment, we saw the 2 police cars had come. Two people got out of the car making their way inside the house, while the other 2 came over to the car we were in.

"You girls okay?" one said. I nodded and the police questioned the situation and Amy told them everything. We soon saw Jayden being pulled out aggressively by the policemen and pushed into the back of their car. He spotted us from inside and gave a slight smirk that made me sick to my stomach. Grayson thanked the police and came back over to his car. We were told to come to the police station for further questioning so Grayson followed closely behind them.


I woke up with Grayson in my bed all tangled up in the sheets. I wanted to stay and sleep over at Amy's but she thought going to her parent's house which was an hour away - the police woman offered to drive her home. I couldn't sleep comfortably knowing that Amy will probably be scarred for life like that.

I turned around facing Grayson's chest and pulling him in closer.

"Morning bub, how'd you sleep?" he asked with his raspy voice. I didn't reply. He looked down at me when he felt my warm tears on his body.

"Hey, don't cry. I know yesterday was sudden but she's okay now. We'll go visit her later today, alright?" I gave him a short smile and a peck on the cheek. He cared for Amy as much as he cared for me. He knew Amy was like my sister and i would never live with myself knowing something happened to her.

After about half an hour of just pure cuddling, i finally decided to go get up and get ready for the day. I texted Amy before i hopped into the shower but she still hasn't replied. She's probably really tired and didn't sleep like me last night. Sigh.

It was 9:45am and Grayson fell back asleep so i went downstairs and sat on my couch, scrolling through my instagram. I soon hear a rapid knock on my door.

"Ethan?" I asked, clearly he was standing on the door step. Stupid.

"Where is she? Is she hurt? How is she? Is she here?" Ethan asked, panicking and invited himself inside. I closed the door behind him and walked into the living room where he was.

"How did you find out?" i asked sitting back on the couch.

"Grayson told me. I tried calling her last night but she didn't pick up. I went to her house last night to check up on her but she wasn't there so i figured she was with you," Ethan said without taking a breath.

"Ethan calm down. She stayed with her parents last night. She's safe and she's probably still sleeping."

He sat on the couch with his face in his hands.

"Did she get hurt?" he asked, still not looking up. I bit the inside of my cheek. How was i suppose to tell him? If it hurt me this bad, i can only imagine how angry Ethan will be. I let out a long sigh and came to sit closer to him, my hand on patting his back trying to comfort him.

"She has scars that are engraved in her skin. She has bruises that will probably hurt for a long time. I'm more scared about the fact that she's not mentally okay."

He looks up at me and his eyes were now red and watery. His jaw was tensed and his fist was clenched into a ball. I knew he wanted to hurt Jayden so bad, but i couldn't let him. Ethan has so many loving supporters to ever see himself lose what he has because of this.

"I'm going to go see her," he said as he stood up.

"I'll come down later to visit as well, text me when you get there"

I gave him a drink and some snacks for the one hour ride and he was off on his way. I told him not to do anything stupid, and Amy. Amy needed him the most in this moment and he can't let her down.

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