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Aaliyah's POV

He gently places his thumb on my bottom lip asking for entrance.

He slowly leans into me and i feel our lips connecting. It turns into a heated make-out session, and he gently lays me down on my back on the picnic blanket and gets on top of me.

My stomach was burning and i felt so much passion in that kiss that he wanted, but not for me. It was the type of burning that made you feel guilty.

His hands made its way from my thigh, passed my hips and tugs on my shirt. His fingers slowly found its way through, touching my bare skin and i stopped him.

"A-Adam.. i'm not ready. I.. I've never done this before."

He looked at me shocked.

"You've ... never? So when you were with, you know, you guys never did it?"

I sat back up and so did he.

"I know it sounds crazy, 2 years is a long time but I want my first time to be special. I don't want to regret my first time."

Adam looks into a distance and just completely starts dazing into his own thoughts. I look at him confused.

"Maybe we should head back now?" i asked him. He nods in agreement and we begin walking back in silence, with his arms around my waist.

As we were walking back to his car, we see a couple of people walking around taking in the scenery. Until my eyes landed on the ones that were already looking back at me. Grayson.


I laugh a little and run to him, breaking away from Adam's arms.

"Hey Ethan! How you been?"

"I'm okay, just trying to get Mr. Grumpy Pants to have a good time at the skate park."

Grayon just greases off his brother.

I looked over at Grayson with his jaw clenched so hard, his teeth would probably fall out. I didn't want to make Adam feel awkward after what just happened, so i just nodded off to Grayson acknowledging his presence and walk back to Adam.

Adam's POV

I look at Ethan and Grayson as Aaliyah was talking to them.

Grayson REALLY didn't hit that while he was with her. Damn, i knew Ally was a good girl but not like this.

I snap out of my thoughts as Aaliyah made her way back to me.

"Let's go," she says linking her arm around mine. I smirk at Grayson and we walk off.

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