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Why am i even going on this date? Fricking Amy.

"Oh come on, Adam's soo cute and he was so sweet asking you out," Amy said taking me out of my thoughts.

"You go out with him then" i walked into my closet looking for something to wear. I looked at my watch - 5:50pm, i have 10 minutes oh crap.

I just decided to go casual but still look neat since i wanted to still look like i made some effort.

I sprayed my perfume and put on my necklace and ring

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I sprayed my perfume and put on my necklace and ring.

"You look great Ally!!" Amy said screaming.

"I'm literally wearing my gym clothes, shut up"

Not long after we heard a knock on my door, and we both head downstairs.

I opened the door to a happy Adam. He was swearing a navy blue T-shirt with his washed out black denim jeans and old skool vans. The shirt was tight around his arms making him look bigger. He looked good. I smirked and thought maybe this wouldnt be so bad after all.

I called out to my mom telling her i'd be gone for while, and said my goodbye to Amy.

"Have fun honey, be safe!"

"Don't have too much fun," Amy grinned.

We were in Adam's car and there was only music playing. We were both silent and just kept our eyes on the road. I looked over at him and smiled.

"What are you thinking about?" he asked.

"I don't know, you're the first guy i've agreed to go on a date with in a while."

He smiled still looking at the road, managing a chuckle. He reached his arm over to my side, keeping one hand on the wheel and intertwined his fingers with mine.

I could feel my heart burning with excitement. But,
this reminded me of what Grayson and I use to do.

Adam parked the car in a secluded area and we turned to look at eachother.

"Where are we?" i asked.

"I planned a picnic by this river. It's one of my favourite places and its amazing at night," he claimed with excitement.

I giggled and we got out the car.

He was right. The river was right above the city and we saw New Jersey at night. The pretty lights sparkling and i could feel Adams eyes on me.

'You know, i've liked you for a while Aaliyah. I know what you're thinking; that we never really talked. But i think you're gorgeous and the way you haven't made a bad reputation and always stuck to yourself just drew me to you. Girls who do things just to get guys attention really do look silly.' he smiled at me.

I looked down, blushing. My smile soon became emotionless as i sat there next to him watching over the city.

'I never want to hurt you or anyone, but i'm sure you know by now, i think Grayson is the only one i'll ever want.' I couldn't look at Adam, i felt terrible.

He looked at me with still hope in his eyes.
"I know." he still smiles at me.
"But i'm hoping i can be able to change all of that."

He puts his hand behind my neck and slowly leans into me allowing our foreheads to touch, and our noses.

He touches my bottom lip with his thumb with his free hand, asking for entrance.

Grayson's POV

I wonder what they're doing.
This is Aaliyah's first date since things ended and i hated it. She was suppose to be with me, and i know i fucked up but i was under the influence. I couldn't help myself.

Ethan walks into my room and says, "Hey bro you wanna go out later when that 'thing' leaves?" Assuming he was talking about Sarah who was in my bathroom.

"Skate park?" i asked. Ethan nodded and walked back to his room.

Sarah comes back out and i quickly rush her to leave.

"Come on, let me drive you home now. It's getting late."

"But babbyyyyy, i wanna have some fun."

I roll my eyes. "We had some 'fun' just an hour ago"

"You can never have too much?" she said raising her eyebrow.

"Sorry, we can hang out tomorrow. Ethan wants me to help him with something tonight." I never showed Sarah any affection, im sure she didnt care though because i know she's just using me. Just like the way i'm using her.

Insanity (Grayson Dolan FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now