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Grayson's POV

"Angela, helloo," Ethan said awkwardly, looking side to side and down at the ground. She pulled him into a long embrace and finally, turned to me.

"Grayson, it's been a long time don't you think?" she asked smiling widely. Before i could even answer she comes in for a hug and i was tensed up, and then loosening after a while giving her a light pat on the back.

"What are you doing here?" Ethan asked.

"I go to school here, duh!" Ethan and i looked at each other and we both knew this meant trouble.

"Lets have lunch together!" She says coming to stand in between both of us and linking her arms with ours.

"Uh, i have somewhere to be. I'll catch up with you guys soon" I say scratching the back of my head. Ethan rolled his eyes hating me for leaving him with her, but he knew that i was coming for Ally.

Aaliyah's POV

I stood leaning my back against my locker on my phone waiting for Grayson. He was later than usual so i thought maybe he had gotten held up. Just as i was about to walk to the cafeteria, i heard that deep, raspy voice that i love,


I look over my shoulder and see Grayson walking towards me out of breath. I wrap my arms around his neck and give him a kiss.

"You took your time, why did you run here babe?"

"Sorry babygirl, i got held back a bit but i'm here now, let's go. Ethan's already in the cafeteria." I kissed her forehead and we interlocked our fingers walking through the school.

As we enter the building, the voices became louder and kids running around and obviously a huge line at the food. I really hated the Cafeteria but i've grown to get use to it. Grayson soon spotted Ethan and walked slowly over to him. He was sitting with a girl? I couldn't tell who it was since their backs were facing us, but once Grayson called out to Ethan, both of them turned around.

"Ally! Hey!" Angela got up from her seat and gave me a long hug. She returned to her seat and Grayson and i sat down opposite them on the table next to each other. It was quiet, no one was talking.

"I didn't know you guys knew each other!" Angela started the conversation.

"I didn't know either! Haha, how do you know the twins?" I asked her taking a bite from my apple. I saw both Ethan and Grayson look up at each other, their eyes watching each other like a hawk it was as if their eyes would come bulging out.

"Well we met back in second grade and we were all really close until i moved to Canada!" She smiled. Ethan and Grayson both loosened up and continued eating their food, i was still confused. Until she continued,

"And Gray and i use to date! For, i think about a year?"

My brows furrowed together as i look at Grayson. Both Ethan and Grayson had choked up on their food from that unexpected response.

"Oh.. ahahah really? Why'd you guys break up?" I asked awkwardly, still looking at Grayson who was looking at Ethan in signs for help.

"I guess because i was moving to Canada, i didn't think we were going to handle a long distance relationship. But i'm back and i think we could maybe work things out again?" She said, this time making eye contact with Grayson looking so hopeful. My mind was filled with so many questions.

I didn't blame her for blurting out those things, she obviously didn't have any idea Grayson and i were a thing. I mean, i can't say anything, right? We're not official.

Ethan scratched his head and placed his hand on Angela's shoulder. Before he could say anything, Grayson replied taking my hand in his from under the table and showing Angela,

"Actually, Aaliyah and i are together." Angela looked shocked, and Ethan gave Grayson a grin after knowing what he did was good. Meanwhile, i sat there still confused and lost. The enthusiasm left her face and she became pale.

"Oh.. i'm so sorry i didn't realise.." She covered her mouth with her hand. "Well, i hope we can be friends still, right?" Looking in my direction as i sat there dumbfounded.


Grayson sure has a lot of explaining to do tonight.

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