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Aaliyah's POV

"Ally wake up," i hear as someone nudges my shoulder. I groan and turn over to cover my face with the pillow.

"I have to catch my plane," my eyes widen and i sit up almost instantly.

That's right. I forgot Grayson was still leaving..

"Do you really have to leave?" i say softly. He pulls me in closer to him on the bed and my head rests in the crook of his neck.

"Yes baby," he says chuckling. Grayson and Ethan still had to finish their tour. They were about half way done anyway and so that meant i would see him again in around 3-4 months. I guess i was just lucky that their manager let them come home for a few days. Knowing Grayson, he probably nagged him until he said yes though.

We pull away from each other but our bodies still remain in contact. His hand cups one side of my face and leans in for a kiss. We stare into each other's eyes for a moment and smile.

"I really wish you didn't have to go," i speak up. He nods as he lets out a disappointing sigh and agrees. Grayson gets out of bed only wearing his boxers and heading towards the bathroom to get ready. I lay back in bed just staring at the ceiling in the dark with multiple thoughts going through my head.

What did this mean for Grayson and I? Are we going to get back together?

I get up from bed and follow Grayson to the bathroom. I stood at the door leaning against it as Gray was washing his face at the sink. He looks up at the mirror and he smiles at me as he sees me in the reflection. I walk over towards him and hug him from behind, my face to his toned back.

"What are you doing Ally?" he asks staying still. I place soft kisses on his back and wrap my arms tighter around his waist.

"I love you," he removes my arms from him and turns around facing me. I snuggle into his chest and he brings me into his embrace, with his chin resting on top of my head. We stand there swaying from side to side slowly taking in the moment.

"I love you most," he replies planting a kiss on my forehead. We pull away and he goes to change into his clothes and remember any last minute things he needed. I grab my pants that i wore from last night and find Gray's smallest hoodie to steal. I walk into his closet and begin scanning his clothes.

"My vans hoodie is on the left babe," he says from the other side of the room. I laugh at the fact that he knew what i was looking for. I take the hoodie from the hanger and wear it with nothing but just my bra underneath.

I go to my phone sitting on the bed side table and i check the time.

1:45am. Man, i wish we had more time.

"We should get going," he says zipping up the rest of his stuff. I nod taking my phone out from the charger and put it in my back pocket.

"What about Ethan?" i ask.

"He's going to meet us there. He'll be with Amy," he replies. Gray grabs hold of his 2 suitcases and carries his backpack on his back. I offered to help him with his bags but of course he declined. We walk out of his apartment and i lock the door behind me. We walk in silence to the car in the garage and set everything in the trunk and we both get into the car.

He gets into the driver's seat and i hop in the passenger. I connect my phone to the aux cord and i play our favourite song. His warm hand reaches for mine and we intertwine our fingers for the duration of the ride. The ride was in a comfortable silence and we both just enjoyed the way to the airport. Both of us feeling down but we were happy to be together.


"Where the fuck is Ethan? We still need to get through security and everything," Gray says stressing out. I look around the airport and see a familiar face coming around the corner.

"There he is," i say pointing in his direction. Gray and Ethan give each other a bro hug and Amy and i greet each other with a hug.

"This is where we say goodbye," Ethan says sadly. Ethan and Amy move away from us giving some space as they say their farewells in private.

"I hate having to say goodbye again," i say on the verge of tears already. He smiles a bit and cups my face in his hand rubbing my cheek with his thumb.

"I'll be back before you know it princess," he says. I jump into his arms and my legs wrap around his waist and his arms snake around my waist. We look into each other's orbs and i take in every feature that i love about this boy.

No, he's not perfect. He's human and flawed, but he's perfect to me and that's what matters.

"Before i met you, i didn't think it was possible to look at someone and smile for no reason," he says smiling. I grab his face in both my hands and his soft, plump lips connect with mine. I could feel the presence of some fans surrounding us but i didn't care. This was our moment, and i won't let other people ruin it. We are people too, we deserve to live our life how we want to.

We stayed like that for a while and then pulled away until we were out of breath.

"Hey Gray, it's almost time for us to go," Ethan says from afar. We both nod and turn back to each other as untangle my legs from his waist.

"Stay healthy and remember to eat your meals everyday. Don't forget to focus on your work and don't get so caught up in social media. You're taking the break from making videos for a reason so take your time, but i'll always try find time to watch your videos if you do upload so i can see my beautiful baby. I'll try my best to text and face time you whenever i can. I promise you, things are different. I won't be stupi---," i cut him off by kissing him. We laugh together and our eyes connect and stays that way.

"Yes baby, and i'll be right here in LA waiting for you to come home," i say. He nods with a smile and my heart melts. This boy is leaving me once again and my heart aches every time. What was he doing to me?

He turns to Amy and gives her a hug and says goodbye to her, as Ethan and i do the same.

"Take care of Gray, you already know that," i whisper into Ethan's ear.

"Take care of Amy for me, but you already know that.

"I have to go now beautiful, i'll text you as soon as i land," Grayson says. We smash our lips together one last time and he kisses my forehead multiple times which he knew i loved. He grabs his belongings and starts to walk away until he remembered something.

"Oh and one last thing," he says.

"There's a special gift waiting for you at your apartment. I hope you love it princess," he says and he flashes me a toothy smile and walks away with Ethan to check in.

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