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I snapped out of my day dream.
"Yes sir?"

"Nice to have you back on Earth Ms. Aaliyah. Now it would be nice if you would actually pay attention, instead of day dreaming" i chuckled and put up my hands in sign of surrender.

I walked back to my locker from class and i just leaned against it scrolling on my phone.

A text message popped up on my screen.
Ethan😒: 3 o'clock

I looked to my right and there he was. Ethan running straight at me with open arms. He picked me up and i started screaming.
"Put me down Ethan!!" i was laughing too hard that a tear forced its way out.

He finally puts me down and takes my hand in his and we head to lunch. Ethan was always good to me. Not that i would ever think of him in that way, that would be too weird since i was with his brother not too long ago. But, Ethan is my bestfriend and i love him so much. I APPRECIATE him.

We got our food and sat down at an empty table sitting side by side, shortly joined by our friends. I use to be upset with them because they all kept the 'Erica' thing from me, but i eventually got over it.

We all made conversation and eating when Grayson came to our table being pulled by his new 'girl' Sarah. You could tell grayson didnt want to be here. We made slight eye contact for 2 seconds and he quickly looked down avoiding my eyes. Sarah made grayson sit down and her sitting on his lap.

"What are you doing here?" Ethan said with an attitude.

"Just wanna get to know my BOYFRIEND's friends," she said emphasizing the boyfriend. She knew it would get my blood boiling.

Everyone looked at eachother and ignored her then continued on with their conversation again. A smile grew on my face. Grayson and Sarah sat there on the other end of the table sucking eachothers face off while Ethan tried getting my mind off them. At that moment i felt a little tap on my shoulder. I turn around and it was

"Adam?" I looked at him confused. We never really had a real conversation and only ever had one class together. He's an attractive kid, but he never had a girlfriend as much as i know.

"Haha yeah, um, i know you don't really know me much but i was wondering if you'd like to go on a date with me Aaliyah? You always caught my eye and now that you're single, i'd like to take that chance," he smiled while putting his hand behind his head.

All eyes were on us now. I felt Grayson's eyes watching me, waiting for my response along with everyone elses.

"Ooooo someones got a little crush" Amy said causing everyone to giggle. What are we, in preschool?  She's my bestfriend but gosh she makes everything so uncomfortable for me.

"Adam, you seem like a really nice guy but--"
"But she would LOVE TO, Friday night?" Amy finished me off.

I gave her the wtf look, and she winked back.

Adams awkward face turned into a big smile. "Y-Yeah! Friday night at 6, i'll call you and pick you up" and he walks away. I let out of a huge breath i had been holding in. I hit Amy's arm.

"you deserve it."

Over on the other side of the table, i see grayson with his jaw clenched, and fist squeezed so tightly his veins were popping out.

Insanity (Grayson Dolan FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now