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Still Aayliah's POV
Grayson's eyes open wide as he takes a first glance at me.

"What the fuck happened? Baby, why are you crying" he asks. I jump at his sudden touch, rubbing my shoulders looking dead straight into my eyes. The look of concern in his eyes once he realises i was scared from his touch.

My eyes search my surroundings until i found him. I lift my hand up, slowly and shaking, pointing at the boy who made me this way. I point at the boy who was sitting at the chairs with his friends, laughing and having a good time. Acting as if nothing even happened.

Grayson's eyes look over to where i was pointing.

"My friends?" he asked confused.

"J-Jack," i reply, stuttering.

Without hesitation or explanation needed, Grayson heads over to the group and sits down with them. Huh?
I see Jack's little grin at him and i know Grayson did too because i saw his hands ball into a fist.

He chats with them for a little while and occasionally looks over at me and Ethan who was comforting me. What was he thinking?
Soon enough, he stands up and asks

"I'm going to get more drinks, Jack you wanna come with?" and he agrees.

They head towards the back end of the house near the fence away from
the party, and all i see is Grayson grabbing Jacks collar into the darkness behind the house. The rest was history.

Insanity (Grayson Dolan FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now