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The next morning

I woke up with a slight headache and winced a little accidentally waking up Gray.

"Morning baby," his raspy sleepy voice was heaven. He had his arms wrapped around me and we were in a spooning position. I turned around so that i was now facing him, looking at his beautiful face. Admiring him.

"How'd you sleep?" i ask, rubbing his cheek over with my thumb. He replies back with a slight smile and slowly opens his eyes. Grayson pulls me in closer to him and lays his lips on my forehead.

"I'm going to take a shower bub, i'll be back" i say giving him a peck on the lips before getting out of his grip.

"Can i come with," I roll my eyes and give him a smirk.

"But NO funny business." He replies with a chuckle and walks into the bathroom with me.

As soon as we both step into the bathroom he locks the door and immediately starts attacking me with kisses. I put my hand over my
mouth and he returns a very confused look.

"Morning breath," i say laughing. He frowns and begins brushing his teeth and even preparing my own toothbrush for me. This boy is too damn precious for my own good. Right after we both finished, he pulls me into his arms and pushes me lightly against the sink going in for long, deep kisses. He pulls away for a slight moment, looking at me in his sweater and wearing nothing but underwear.

"Hey! I said no funny busine—" he cuts me off by quickly rubbing on my heat unexpectedly causing me to throw my head back in pleasure. His other hand was gripped onto my throat, softly choking me which he knew i loved. I look back at him and he was already grinning, knowing that he has that control over me, and i could feel myself becoming wet for him.

"Sorry, what was that?" he says with that grin, while still rubbing me. My mouth opens to say something but the words i was trying to say wouldnt come out.

"G-Grayson.. fuc—" he pulls my panties to the side and slides two fingers in. I moan out loud. I place my right hand on his shoulder and wrap my left hand around his wrist to slow him down or stop him. He goes faster.

I could feel my soul leaving my body, the pleasure i was feeling. He smashes his lips onto mine and we move in sync with eachother.

"I'm going to c-cum Grayson..." I say trying to make out the words. He gives me a smirk and completely stops what he was doing and walks away to take off his clothes.

I stand there in shock. Did he just—?

"Don't ever tease me babygirl, i can do so much more worse," and he winks at me before getting in the shower.

After their sinful shower

We both interlocked fingers coming down the stairs and made our way into his kitchen to make breakfast.

"What do you feel like having today princess?"


He lets out a laugh, "maybe later baby, how about we go get some acai bowls?"

"We just came downstairs, i dont wanna go change," i whine.

"You look fine with what you're wearing babe," If he thinks i'm going to walk out the house with crusty hair and his huge ass shirt and underwear, hes wrong. I roll my eyes and head upstairs to quickly change into something comfortable.

I walk down the stairs to see Gray sitting on the couch just playing on his phone waiting for me

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I walk down the stairs to see Gray sitting on the couch just playing on his phone waiting for me. I wrap my arms around his torso from behind and give him a kiss on the cheek.

"Let's go baby" I say and we head out the house.

I never bothered asking Grayson what happened that night. I didn't want to trigger him nor make him think about it again. If he wasn't going to bring it up then either was i. The last thing i remember was him bringing me back to his home and dressing me in his clothes so that i could sleep in peace, before jumping into bed as well.

Insanity (Grayson Dolan FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now