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As the 3 of us rushed to school in Grayson's bronco, Ethan ran to his first period and Grayson decided to walk me to my locker because he didn't care about whether he was late or not.

I opened up my locker while still trying to inhale air into my body after running. Grayson leans against my locker having a laugh.

"Chill babe, we're here now," he says patting the top of my head. I give him a death stare.

"I am very chill. I'm so. incredibly. chill." The amount of sarcasm in my voice was so strong that even Grayson felt that through my eyes. My attendance has always been perfect. I was never late or ever missed a class, i was proud of that but look where we are now. Smh.

I settle down and pick up my books and lock my locker. Grayson and i walk hand in hand down the hallway occasionally looking at each other with a smile. Soon enough we reached my science class and Grayson said goodbye to me with a peck on the lips.

"See you at break princess," he says taking my hand and kissing the back of it. My heart melted as i smiled at him and started walking to into class. Grayson left off with his bag and ran to his p.e class considering he loved sport so much.

As i opened the door, the teacher looked at me and welcomed me into class,

"nice to finally see you Ms Montaneo," i give him a slight smile and walk to my usual desk. I sit down and take out my laptop and start typing up the bullshit on the board that i knew would never be helpful for our exams.

While pretending to be focused on my notes, i felt a tap on my shoulder from the person next to me. I turn to look over my left shoulder to see a girl shyly smiling back.

"Hey! I'm new here and i really want to make new friends! My name's Angela." She said sticking out her hand for a handshake.

"Hey babe! My name is Aaliyah, you can call me Ally for short. You can always talk to me if you need anything," and with that, i shook her hand and smiled.

Angela's a pretty girl. She had long black hair, big green eyes that reflected so nicely in the sun. Her face perfectly structured along with her full lips.


I finished writing down the last bit of notes that were on the board and my mind was just filled with how much homework the teacher gave us. I put my books and laptop into my bag and started walking out of class to my locker.

I can't wait to see Grayson! It's only been 90 minutes but i miss him already, i'm so goddamn whipped and we're not even official again yet. The thought of that just made me sad as i roamed the hallways with a pout.

Grayson's POV

I was on my way to Ally's locker but i found Ethan on the way so we decided to go together. We were just cracking up some jokes and just being complete idiots. Looks and weird stares were being received but we couldn't care less.

Last year in July, Ethan was chosen to be team captain for the rugby team and i'm the football team captain. We were obviously very well known aside from being team captains, but also because of our youtube channels. I guess it was pretty funny for people to see us actually act stupid in real life than on camera.

I stuffed all my things into my locker and Ethan did the same. We started walking to the other building which was where Ally's locker was, luckily it was only a short walk.


We heard a soft girl's voice call out to Ethan, being twins we both turn around to a big surprise. Ethan and i both turn to eachother, eyes widened.

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