Thirty one

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"Do you think she'll be okay?" i asked Grayson tightening my grip around his waist. He looks down at me and kisses my forehead.

"Ethan will be with her. He'll get her through it," he replied which made me less tense.

"Let's get started with our day," he said smiling.

Amy's POV

I'm so scarred. I wish i had someone here. Maybe i should've stayed with Aaliyah and the boys, but the comfort of being with my parents made me feel better. I still haven't gotten out of bed, and i don't plan to. The images from last night keep popping in and out of my head which brings tears to my eyes.

I would try distracting myself by blasting music.

'The Other' by Lauv.

I turned my body around on my bed so that my face was stuffed in my pillow. I heard something move and i quickly sat up. It was Ethan. I guess my music was so loud i didn't know someone came in. He was sleeping on the floor using his hands as a pillow resting his head. This precious boy wouldn't wake me up or get into the same bed as me. He respects me.

I slowly crawled out of bed to sit criss crossed in front of Ethan. I played with hair as he slept peacefully, until he started waking up. My bad.
He yawned and rubbed his eyes open.

"Morning Eth," i said in a quiet voice. He squinted his eyes to look at the person in front of him and eyes widened once he realised it was me. He sat up instantly and brought me into his warm embrace. My head was tucked into the crook of his neck and i felt safe.

"I'm here for you, remember that. If you ever need me i'm only one call away. It doesn't matter what i'm doing, if i'm across the world i'll get the first flight right back to you."

Ethan Dolan; what did i ever do to deserve you?

I pulled away from him and our eyes connected. These were the eyes i love looking at, the eyes of the one who cared and loved me no matter how the situation. He was always there.

He grabbed the side of my face and leaned in. The warmth of his lips made the butterflies in my stomach explode. Was this really happening? The kiss lasted for about 5 seconds until he stopped to look at me. I was craving him.

"Amy, i like you. So much. I know you won't be ready to get into another relationship so just hear me out—," I cut him off with another long passionate kiss.

"I know what you're trying to say, and i want the same," i reply while looking down at his lips. Our lips soon connected and it turns into a soft, loving make out session. He picked me up and put me down gently onto my bed when i pull him down and flip us over, making me on top straddling him.

Our kisses continue until he stops.

"I don't want to take advantage of you. You're in a vulnerable place right now and i don't ever want to take you for granted.."

I smile at the words that were said. I nodded and gave him a kiss on the forehead. We ended up cuddling for the rest of the day, and i couldn't feel better than this.

Insanity (Grayson Dolan FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now