Seventy two

342 1 2

Aaliyah's POV

My hands were shaking from the way i was feeling. All my life, i have never met someone who has made me feel like i am the most important person in their life, a priority and the reason for someone's happiness. I believe i was truly blessed as well to have Grayson in my life, and though he may make mistakes, he sure knows how to make up for them for sure.

Amy had left after we had a long, LONG conversation about how she got involved in the plan.


Amy's POV

"Please, help me. She won't even talk to me," Grayson pleaded. I roll my eyes though he can't see me through the phone. I told him not to hurt Ally, yet he still goes and does the opposite of what i told him. Dickhead.

"Look, i know i fucked up. I fucked up real bad. Trust me, Aaliyah is the only girl i want in my life and i love her. What i did was a fucking mistake and i can't change the past now, but i can change what happens in the future. I just want to talk to her, but she can't even bare to look at me the way she use to," he rants sighing afterwards.

No doubt, i felt sorry for the kid. Like i kid you not, if i was dating Aaliyah i would never let her go. I chuckle to myself at the thought. Aaliyah was as loyal as they could get. She had never 'sent nudes' to put her in the position to be exposed, she avoided as much drama as she could to keep her from the centre of attention, and she was very kept to herself. She was the 'perfect' one, and Grayson better Goddamn realise it.

"So many guys would fucking kill to be in your shoes and you had to go and mess it up. You broke a girl who was so fucking down for you and would probably even die for you. What i don't get is why she still goes back to you after everything you've done to her, regardless if she has done nothing to you," i say with disgust in my voice. I hear him sigh on the other side of the phone.

"Just hear me out, i have an idea..."


"She's going to love it Grayson." I say smiling to myself on the phone. Even though i don't like the situation they're in, she is still my best friend and if they both love each other then there is nothing i can do about it. As long as he makes her happy, he's perfect for her.


I am just so grateful to have these people in my life who really care about me. Ethan, Amy and Grayson are truly blessings from God.

I sit on my couch just admiring the ring on my finger. It sparkles reflecting from the light and the rainbow specks really shine.

I hear my door knob twist and i turn my head to see who opened the door.

"Mom! Dad!" i exclaim running to both my parents and engulfing them in my arms.

"How are you sweetie?" my dad asks patting my head.

"I'm good, i haven't see you both in days," i say. We all walk into the kitchen as my parents set down their briefcases and sit down at the dining table. My dad grabs him and my mom a coke bottle and water for me since i don't like soft drinks. My mother smiled as she looks at my face until something else caught her attention.

"Oh honey! What is that thing on your finger? It's beautiful!" she says in excitement. She grabs my hand and examines the ring and my father is in complete shock.

"We've been gone for a few days and you got married within that," my dad asks. I burst into laughter and both my parents look at me funnily.

"Dad, i'm not getting married. The ring isn't even on my left hand! Grayson got me a promise ring, isn't it gorgeous?" i explain showing him the ring up closer. He takes my hand and rubs circles on top with his thumb.

"You're growing up so quick Aaliyah," my dad says as i see his eyes turn glossy. I roll my eyes clear enough for him to see and giggle.

"I'm always going to be your little baby girl," i say nudging his shoulder. I wrap my arms around him and my mother joins in on the family hug. Not seeing my parents for a while since they were busy working has always been a difficult thing for me, considering when i was still a kid they were constantly there.

I've grown to see how much family really means as get older and start living your life. You focus on yourself so much that you forget your parents are growing old as well. I always hated the fact that i never spent time with them because they worked, but now i appreciate every moment i get to spend with them.

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