Twenty five

545 2 0

Grayson's POV

I was walking in front of Angela before she reaches out to me, grabbing my arm. I pull away a little and we stop walking. I could feel her eyes on me as i was looking down at the floor.

"Look, let's just walk to class. We're already late." I say but before i could start walking again she speaks up.

"Gray- I mean Grayson. I miss you.. and i know you miss me too. You don't show it but i know you do. Don't get forget i know you as well, we had something, and i want it back. I know, you're with Aaliyah but can she really make you feel the way i make you?"

Her green eyes reflect its natural colour in the sunlight and her hair flows in front of her face effortlessly. She was beautiful, but how could i mess up my second chance with Ally after she already lost so much trust for me. The trust i'm slowly gaining back.

"You're right," i say looking straight in her eyes. She looks at me and a smile appears on her face.

"I did miss you, but that was almost 3 years ago. You did know me, but people change. I'm not the same Grayson that i was when we dated. Aaliyah changed me. I want to be a good boyfriend for her, i want to take care of her and make her happy. I screwed up once and i'm not going to take her for granted, just like you did to me. Surprisingly i got a second chance, but for you, i don't think there will be.

We did have something but you decided what we had wasn't worth it. You also left me and met someone else, i guess i meant a lot to you right? I know this girl would never hurt me the way i hurt her, or the way you hurt me.

I found someone to finally hold me down and i know she definitely loves and cares for me too. She's my everything. I think it's best if we just don't see each other."

Tears started filling up her eyes as those words fell from my mouth. I didn't think i had it in me to say those things, but i guess that's what being in love does to you.

"I love you Grayson, please," she lets out a huge sigh and clings onto my arm. I roll my eyes and fiddle with my fingers in my pants pockets.

*cough cough*

Angela and i both turn around and my mouth drops open. As i look behind me i see Aaliyah playing with her fingers and Amy with a pissed off look on her face. She was eyeing Angela.

Insanity (Grayson Dolan FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now