Thirty eight

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It was back to Monday and i was dreading school. My alarm woke me up from my amazing dream and i just threw it across my room. Thanks to the inventor for making them so easy to break.

I got out of bed and did my daily school routine. I picked out my outfit, grabbed my phone, earphones and came downstairs.

As i walked into the kitchen, i got a vibration from my phone

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As i walked into the kitchen, i got a vibration from my phone.

My love❤️: Will be there in 5 baby, see you soon 😘

I smiled at the text and quickly picked up an apple and started eating it. My parents were away for a short vacation, and it seems like i never see them anymore. I pretty much live by myself at this point.

I began thinking of all the memories i had with my parents, and unfortunately there wasn't many. For as long as i could remember, my dad has always been a business man and my mother a nurse at a busy hospital. Grayson has been in my life for so many years but he still has yet to meet my dad. He's met my mother before but it was only short and brief, and he's only ever talked to her over facetime if he was with me. She still loved Grayson though, even if it wasn't a proper greet like i imagined.

I got knocked out of my daydream as i was startled by the loud honk outside my house. I got up and face paced walking over to my front door and locking it as i left. I ran up to Grayson as i see my beautiful boyfriend leaning against the hood of his car. I wrap my arms around his neck and his arms went around my waist pulling me into a kiss.

"I missed you," he said pouting his lips.

"I saw you just yesterday,"

"Okay and??" we both laughed and i hopped into the back seat since Ethan was in the passenger side. We stopped by on the way to pick up Amy and we were off to school.

I said bye to Gray and started walking to my first class - History. I dragged my feet to the front door of my classroom thinking about how much i hated this subject. I walked in a sat in my usual seat, this time with someone new in the chair to my right.

"Hey," he said. I looked up at him and he flashed me a quick smile.

"Hey Adam, how you been?" I asked. I haven't really kept in contact with Adam since Grayson and i have been together. I figured that Gray wouldn't like that considering we went on a date together.

"I'm alright. You haven't been answering my texts lately," he says shyly, scratching the back of his head. I give him a guilty smile, knowing how hurt he must be.

"Sorry about that, i've been busy." Just then our teacher walks in and saves my ass from the awkward tension. THANK YOU

I felt him sometimes looking over in my direction and it made me uncomfortable.

"Are you good?" i said awkwardly laughing.

"Sorry, you just look really nice today," he replied. I blush a bit and turn back to doing my work.

Half an hour later, first period ended. I packed up my things and swung my bag over my shoulder started to head out to my second period. As i walked out the door i felt a hand grasp onto my arm.

"Uh, uh sorry but um.. I was just wondering if you wanted to have lunch together maybe?" Adam asked.

"Sorry but i think Grayson's waiting for me," i remove my arm from his grip and walk away. Yes i felt bad for being so blunt towards him, but I'm very loyal to Gray.

As i walk down the hall i see Grayson all tense and staring straight at me. I brush it off and walk towards him about to lean in for a kiss. He moved back. I look at him confused,

"Something wrong babe?"

"Why was Adam talking to you?" he asked. His voice is intimidating that i hated the most. 

"He asked me to have lunch with him but i said no,"

"Oh and he thought he could just stare at your ass while you did so,"

I scoff at how extra he was being but I kept my calm.

"I'm sorry but i have no control over what he does. By the way if you didn't notice, my back was faced towards him so i wouldn't see him do that either way."

I finish my sentence rolling my eyes and walk straight past Grayson. I can't believe he was being like this. I don't even see what the problem is. He didn't even stop me or anything, but instead he just kept walking to his next class.

Lunch time

I made my way to the cafeteria not even bothering to wait for Grayson. He was being immature and i wasn't going to deal with his petty ass. I couldn't stop thinking about him during class.

I took a seat at an empty table in the cafeteria and waited for the rest to come. I was just eating my apple while scrolling on instagram on my phone when two people sit down.

"Hey bub, how's your day?" Amy asked.

"I'm alright, how about you?" i reply.

"Something wrong with you and Gray? Why's he sitting on that table?" Ethan asked pointing to his left. Grayson was sat with his football team and .. the cheerleaders. Two of them were all over him, their hands on his shoulders laughing at the jokes he was making. I felt my blood start to boil.

"He's being immature all because Adam wanted to have lunch with me, even though i said no. Now he's acting this way? Fucking get out of here because i would never do this shit to him."

Amy and Ethan nodded. Ethan got up from his seat and walked over to Grayson.

Ethan's POV

Grayson's an idiot.

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