Ninety five

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Aaliyah's POV

So today is Ethan and Grayson's birthday. The only good thing about Grayson working more often is that i was able to plan his surprise birthday party. I've been working on it for a while actually and i'm glad i had the time to do this.

I called up a bunch of Grayson's old friends, elementary school friends and some other influencers that he admired. Amy also did the same for Ethan although it was harder for her to hide it away from him, considering he was around more. The boys hang around the same people anyway so it wasn't so difficult.

"How many people do you think are coming tonight?" Amy asks.

"I think around 30," i replied.

"I can't wait for the boys to see our present for them!" she exclaims. I have to agree. I was hyped and i couldn't wait for Grayson to just relax instead of stressing out about stuff because that's what it seemed like he was doing majority of the time.

Both Amy and i's head turn as we hear the door knob rattling. Ethan and Grayson walked in to Amy's apartment and greeted us. I gave Ethan a tight hug and went to kiss Grayson who was behind him. He gave me a light peck on the forehead before sitting down on the couch.

I sigh out loud. Grayson hasn't been very affectionate lately. I don't remember the last time he's touched me willingly or just simply gotten aroused by me. I missed the way his fingers ran through my hair, or even just squeezed my thighs. He barely ever kisses me anymore and only hugs me or gives me a quick kiss on the lips.

"We're not staying very long. We have a meeting to get to soon, but we'll be back around 7," Ethan informs us.

"That's okay, we can just watch a movie if you'd like before you leave," I suggest. The boys agreed and i went into the kitchen to grab some drinks and chips. Shortly, Amy follows into the pantry after me.

"You okay, Al?" she asks. I give her a weak smile, how could i hide my true feelings from her? She knows me. I shake my head and stop the tears i was dying to hold back. She embraces me into her arms.

"It's okay baby. Grayson will come around. He's just stressed out from work that's all. It's his day today, let's make it the best for him and Ethan as much as we can," she says while stroking my hair.

"It's just.. i'm having bad thoughts Amy.. What if he's you know, c-cheating on me again? I'm so scared, i feel like i'm going insane with my mind," i confess. She hushes me and tells me to calm down.

"Grayson loves you. If he hurts you again i'm going to cut his balls off so you don't need to worry," she says pulling away from me and smiling widely.

"Let's go, don't want to keep them waiting," i say giving a half-hearted smile.


After the boys left about an hour later for their meeting, Amy and i went straight over to their apartment to decorate for the surprise party. We called back everyone on the guest list to make sure who was coming, and who couldn't make it. I flew in both Lisa and Sean from New Jersey, and Cameron promised me she would fly down to LA right after her trip with her friends in New York.

Amy was filling up the apartment with balloons and streamers, she's that extra. I was focusing on the food, making sure Ethan doesn't get an "allergic reaction" because apparently he has a lot of those. I'm pretty sure he just makes them up anyways, at least that's what Gray told me.

I heard a slight knock on the door and went to go check who was there. I smiled to myself as i see Lisa and Sean standing on the other side as i looked through the peep hole. Opening the door, i gave both a hug and let them in. Shortly after, Ryan (their old school friend) rocked up with Alex and a couple other people who said they were happy to help set up.


"Shhh!! They're coming up!" Amy yells in a whisper voice. Aaron had texted us saying that they pulled up to the apartment and were going up in the elevators. Everybody kneeled down and others hid behind furniture and objects.

I quickly walked over towards the front of the door with Amy and stood behind the door waiting for our boys. The rattling of keys being inserted into the door knob before someone twisting it to open.

"SURPRISE!!" we all yell. Amy and i both jumped from behind the door with our party poppers allowing the streamers to explode in the air.

The look on Ethan and Grayson's face were so pure. They genuinely looked shocked and happy to see each and every person in the room. I wrapped my arms around Grayson's neck and kissed his lips.

"Happy Birthday baby boy," i whisper in his ear leaving a soft kiss on his cheek. He looks at me with those glistening hazel-green eyes and smiles with his dimple clearly showing.

"Thank you so much, i love this." The boys walked off where they were greeted by their parents first and then everyone else in the room. I haven't seen Gray smile like that in a long time, which made me wonder why he ever stopped. Maybe work? I don't know, i don't want to think of that tonight.

I saw Grayson standing next to the food picking at some lollies as he talked to Aaron and Nate. I walked over towards them and linked my arm with his. He looks down at me and smiles his best smile.

"Hey babe, want some?" he asks referring to the candy. I shake my head no and lean on him.

"We will leave you two love birds alone," Nate smirks as he and Aaron snicker walking over to their other friends.

"You enjoying yourself Gray?" i ask looking up at him. Sometimes i forget he's so tall.

"Yes baby, thank you so much. How did you plan all this?" he exclaims.

"All the times you've been working, silly. It made it easier to plan i guess," i chuckle.

"Oh." His face was emotionless and blank. I cough avoiding the awkward tension and change the subject.

"Have a drink, you deserve a good night. It's your night after all," i suggest. Yeah he's underage but his parents don't mind.

"Nah i'm okay, you go ahead babe. Not too much though."

"Don't count on it," i mumble as i walk towards the fridge.

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