Fifty eight

333 2 4

Grayson's POV

Tour.. is one of the most amazing things i have ever done. I'm travelling to places i never thought i could go and i'm meeting thousands of people who want to see me. It brings a really good feeling knowing that i make people smile and laugh.

I have fallen in love with over the course of just 4 days in every country; Australia, Brazil, France and so many more.

Ethan and i have made countless memories together. We ate acai bowls from different countries for breakfast, and ate many MANY different desserts. We visited as many beaches as we could in each country and i'm really glad we did. The views were beautiful.

Ethan and i are currently in the car driving to our rehearsal for today. It normally takes about 3-5 hours depending on how organised everyone is and we can get going afterwards.

I feel great but i haven't been able to talk to Ally for as long as i want to. I miss her like crazy. I get super nervous and sometimes have random breakdowns right before getting on stage, and she would know how to calm me down and comfort me.

I had an anxiety attack once when i was in a crowd full of fans and some many people were coming for hugs that they didn't realise how many were coming for hugs at the same time. I was touched in ways i wish i wasn't within that crowd and my mind blanked and panicked. I cried to Ethan before the show and i felt like i couldn't hold myself together. Obviously i couldn't call Ally because she was asleep while i was on the other side of the world. I felt helpless, like i wasn't good enough.


Rehearsal went great besides Ethan falling off the stage. Twice. He better not do that tomorrow night.

We were packing up our stuff and getting ready to leave when Alex (Aiono) comes up to us.

"Hey guys wanna go get some pizza tonight?" he asks. Ethan and i both look at each other and grin.

"Did you even have to ask?" Ethan replies. We all laugh and get going.

I was texting Ally in the car until my phone died and none of us had a charger. I felt really bad because i didn't reply to her last message.

Alex found a 4.8 star pizza restaurant and we just ubered to the place. It looked really posh, something we all weren't use to, but hey you only live once. The restaurant looked very modern, with white tiles on the walls and floors. Chandeliers hanging from the ceiling, which was very fancy considering they ONLY sold pizza. We asked for a table for 3 and were lead to a table outside requested by Ethan.

We looked through the menu and i swear my mouth was salivating. The 3 of us ended up ordering 2 large pizzas to share between us and a glass of coke. I took in the scenery. The cool breeze was perfect and the busy streets were filled with cars and people walking.

Not soon later, our pizzas came out and least to say i was very satisfied.

Aaliyah's POV

I was texting Grayson as i was doing some unfinished chores and what not, until he stopped replying. He's probably busy or something but he just left me on read. Oh well.

Amy decided to come over in a bit and we were going to watch a movie. Love Simon looked like such a good movie and i really wanted to see it. Also, i'm on my unwanted monthly subscription and i just felt emotional.

"HEY BABE!" she yells as she opens the door and sits on the couch. I love her. She just helps herself. I grabbed her a glass of coffee along with mine and greet her as i walk into the living room.

"You know Ally, you're making money now you should buy a house. This apartment is getting too small for your videos and equipment," she suggests. I take it into consideration, but its hard because this is my first apartment in LA and also my first time leaving my parents. I was basically living on my own anyways.

"I want to wait and save up money still because i'm indecisive. I also wanna take to Grayson about it because if i'm going to buy a house, best believe we're gonna be in it together," i say winking at her. I have been waiting for the day Grayson and i buy a house, when we start having a stable foundation for our future. We're still very young i mean we're not even in our twenties yet, well Grayson soon will be.

I would be lying if i said i haven't thought about this move for a while either. I've been meaning to talk to Grayson about it so maybe i will the next time we call.


I'm sobbing. The movie was so beautiful and Amy and i just kept crying on each other's shoulders. I never felt so much love for a movie.

We fixed ourselves up in the toilets and started heading out to Amy's car. Well, until we were crowded by a few paparazzi. I saw about 4 cameras flashing and it really hurt my eyes. So many voices just talking over the others and even yelling to try and be heard. There were probably 5 people in total from what i could see. I decided to stay still and answer some questions along with Amy by my side.

"So how are the famous couple doing? Aaliyah and Grayson Dolan," one asks.

"We're great thank you. I miss him a lot," i smile. The people give each other a 'look' and it didn't seem like a good one either.

"I see you haven't heard about Grayson being with another girl in Italy earlier on this evening," he continues. My forehead cringes and i look at Amy. She looks back at me confused as well.

"I'm sorry?" i ask. He whips out his printed picture form his journal i'm guessing and hands it to me. I let out the breath i didn't know i was holding. I felt a lump in my throat form and my hand was shaking.

"N-no it's probably just a fan," i say handing the photo to Amy. She didn't seem to believe it and honestly neither did i.

The photo was of Grayson with his arm around a girl's shoulder. He looked like he was kissing her ear with his face so close to hers.
The scenery definitely looked like a bar which was weird because neither Grayson or Ethan have ever drank to the point where they weren't in control of their actions. They were actually smart when it came to things like this, now i don't know. It didn't look like a place you would find them in but apparently not. Italy has no drinking age limit so i wouldn't be surprised.

In the photo they were sitting at a booth. Grayson and Alex were both with a girl except for Ethan. I know Amy was relieved to see that but seeing Grayson made her body boil.

Is this the reason why he wasn't replying?

Insanity (Grayson Dolan FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now