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(A/N : I know that it's a serious part in this story but i can't stop laughing at the photo above^ LMFAO)

Grayson's POV

I'm sitting at home on my bed in tears. I left Aaliyah's house when the tension was too built up. She was crying and i couldn't comfort her, i had no right to. I wish i had.

Ethan and i were planning to go on tour soon and we were going to visit our family again since we haven't seen them in a long time. Our dad became very sick, we wanted to be with him. I had a lot going through my mind, and i didn't want to pull anyone down with me. While we visit our family, we were going to announce our tour and then that was when it was all going to start. I would be travelling for 10 months, and i know that would be hard on Aaliyah.

Just then, Ethan rampages into my room slamming my door behind him.

"What the hell is wrong with you? You broke up with her? BECAUSE YOU DIDN'T LOVE HER? Grayson i know that's not true," Ethan yelled.

"Long distance just isn't going to work for us, Ethan! 10 fucking months without her, i don't expect her to wait for me,"

"Just because we're going on tour, you're making a big deal out of this?! AALIYAH fucking loves you and she will wait for you. At least be honest with her instead of making her feel like this is all her fault when it's really YOURS," Ethan said pushing his hand against my chest.

"I'm not breaking up with Amy just because of our tour. I never will, don't be stupid Grayson, and you know that Aaliyah is the only girl that will only stick around for you, waiting for you to grow up and treat her right." He stumbles out of my room and i just crawl underneath my bedsheets thinking.

I went on my phone and scrolled through twitter when i saw Aaliyah tweeted something.

Sometimes i feel unmotivated and unwanted.. This is one of those times. I wish i could do better. I'm so sorry to all those i disappointed, i love you all truly.

I looked through my comments and a lot of people were asking about me. Our fans aren't stupid, and sometimes they even know us better than we know ourselves.

My heart was aching from not being with Aaliyah. I was going to miss her touch, her kisses, her everything. Maybe when i come back from tour we could talk things out, or would it be too late?

One week later
Aaliyah's POV

I'm a wreck. I feel like i'm back at square one. Grayson avoids me now. I know the reason he gave me was just an excuse to cover up something else, heck i know this kid inside and out. Nothing's changed though, and i'm still sad as ever.

Amy still tries to get me to go out with her every so often with Ethan but i just don't want to third wheel. Ethan still yells at Grayson for what he's done to me, Amy told me. Ethan has been really supportive and caring towards me, although he always has been ofcourse.

Grayson and i both haven't been posting a lot on social media, but we still follow each other. Our supporters can sense something's up though because we usually post funny snaps of each other or tweeting something random throughout the week. I haven't tweeted anything since my last one, and Grayson's tweets have been really emotional.

I wish i knew better.

I just feel drained

I love you for who you are, not who the world thinks you should be.

That last tweet caused #WeLoveA&G to be trending for 3 days straight. We were both being tagged in so many pictures and edits of us which made me happy but also sad. They all knew we weren't happy and wanted us to know they were there with us. There was even an online news article going around titled "Could Aaliyah Montaneo and Grayson Dolan be over?" and that alone had led the fandom to go crazy. Honestly, it's amazing to see how much can change in a week.

Being well known was hard, i can only imagine how it must be for Grayson since he had a bigger fan base.

It was now 7pm on a Saturday, and i spent it sitting on my ass watching Teen Wolf eating ice cream in my dark room. My hair was in a messy bun that i hadn't washed since Sunday, gross but don't tell me you've never done that before. I was wearing my white sweater with comfy black nike shorts.

I groaned as i heard my phone going off. I reached over and saw who was calling me. I swiped right and answered the call.

Me: Hey Ethan what's up?
Ethan: I'm leaving for New Jersey tomorrow. I was hoping Grayson would tell you sooner or later, but we won't be back in LA for another 10 months
Me: Wait.. what?
Ethan: Come see us before we take off at the airport please? Grayson's so out of it, and only you can change that.
Me: I don't know if he even wants to see me

There was a long silence on the other end of the phone, and then i heard him sigh.

"Please just come tomorrow at 3pm at United Airlines, otherwise i know you'll regret not saying goodbye to him."

That was all he said and then hung up the phone. I turned off my laptop and just stared at nothing. The darkness was suffocating me in my thoughts. I thought long and hard about what i should do, but i guess we'll just have to see until tomorrow.

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