Forty seven

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"So you're telling me Ethan's done all this shit to you?" i ask Amy quietly. I was whispering because we were dead centre in the middle of the library. There weren't as many people as i thought there would be, but i still needed to be quiet. She looked down at the ground fiddling with her fingers, she looked sad.

"I didn't want to tell anyone what we went through, after seeing the media and hate you guys got, i don't think i could've been as strong as you Ally," she says softly.

"I love Ethan with everything, but sometimes i just think to myself is it worth it? I don't imagine myself without Ethan, but would i be happier?" i look at her in surprised as those words came form her mouth. All this time i thought Ethan and Amy had this perfect relationship, but i guess not.

I mean i never saw them fighting, and not to mention that Amy never said a word to me about it until now. I'm amazed Ethan didn't slip anything to Grayson either because they're so close. I felt so guilty. Amy was going through so much by herself and i wasn't there for her at all. I know she didn't tell me what was going on with her but i still would've tried to help.

Amy is head over heels for Ethan, and yes she has a massive attitude, but only for a reason i guess you could say. She doesn't act a certain way without a reason, and if she's acting like a priss then she's angry.

Just as i was about to say something to her, Amy's phone went off and everyone in the library looked at her. The Librarian stared us down telling us to shush as Amy apologizes and picks up the phone call.

"Hi Ethan," she says rolling her eyes even though he can't see her.

"Uh, hmm ... yep ... whatever. I don't want to, i want space. Ugh .. mhm okay. Bye." She pressed the end call button and puts her face in her hands as her elbows hit the table.

"What's wrong bub?" i ask trying to move her hand to get a better look at her. She sighs.

"Ethan wants to have a little talk later, but i already know how it's going to go down. He apologises, i give in to whatever shit he says, he promises to never do it again and we make up," Amy says, this time her voice shaking. A few tears dropped from her face and i could see the hurt in her eyes.

"Amy if you love him then go to him. Just listen to him, because i know you can't be without him," i say pulling her into my embrace. She wraps her arms around me as well but tighter. She nods her head and agrees.

Grayson's POV

I got off the phone with Aaliyah and i got into the shower. The warm water hits my body and i feel slightly relieved. I managed to keep her close to me, she's still mine. I can't fuck up anymore, i just know she won't stand for it next time. I think of all the fucked up shit i have done in the past and my muscles relaxed. I shake my head as i turned off the water and walked out grabbing my towel. The shower really does make you think of some deep shit.

I pull out an orange champion hoodie and my black shredded jeans. I walk out of my room and downstairs greeting my parents in the living room.

"Good morning sweetie, how'd you sleep?" my mom asked as she sets a plate of scrambled eggs on the table for my dad. I reply to her and say good morning to my dad as well.

"Where's Ethan?" I ask.

"He's probably still in his room, he hasn't come downstairs yet," dad replied. I nod my head in response and head back upstairs. I wanted to get some acai bowls and we would probably work out a bit after. As i come closer to Ethan's room i hear someone talking.

"Please, i promise just give me a chance. Yes.... okay ... goodbye i love you," I hear Ethan say. Guessing he was on the phone to Amy. I knock before entering his room and he tells me to come in.

"Well look who's finally awake now?" Ethan asks chuckling. He was sitting on the edge of his bed with his phone in his hand.

"Shut up, you talk to Amy?" i ask. He looks down at the ground before looking back at me nodding.

"She doesn't really wanna talk to me. She thinks i don't trust her because i got mad when i found out about the beach thing. I mean i know she would go off at me if she saw an article that said i was with some girl," he said explaining the situation.

"I thought you guys were good? I didn't know trusting each other was a hard thing in your relationship," i said sitting down on his bed next to him.

"I've done some things i'm not proud of Gray. We fight a lot but i love her. I wouldn't wanna be with anyone else, but i feel like she can be without me. She doesn't need me weighing her down, and i know she deserves better but i can't let her go," Ethan says. I could barely believe the words he was saying. My brother was a hopeless romantic and he's heads over heels for this girl.

Amy isn't his first love, but i reckon second love is even better. She's showing him that he can love again and that's all i need, for him to be happy. I didn't know they had such big issues in their relationship, but they were so private about it. I sat there thinking and then i realise,

"Bro.. we honestly don't deserve these girls. But hey, they picked us so the least we can do is show them what they do deserve. We try our best and if it wasn't enough then we can say we tried. They have never hurt us before but we hurt them so much."

Ethan and i make eye contact and nod. We both knew we were terrible people but we knew our girlfriends were the ones who made us a better version of ourselves.

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