Seventy four

318 1 0

Aaliyah's POV

I told the boy that i had to get to my classes so i just left him sitting there with that childish smirk on his face. Man, we were hitting it off smoothly until he continued opening his fuckboy mouth. The way his mouth moved as he talked and the way his eyes ran through my body disgusted me. To think that he was a shy kid when i first concidentally bumped into him. Figures.

I shake my head and begin walking to my first and only class for today - Chemistry. I honestly had no idea why i was taking this subject, but it gave me extra marks and curriculum to my final study score so why not, i needed it. I walked into the classroom seeing only a few people already in their seats as i walk to mine.

I sit down in my chair and place my laptop on the table along with my notes and pen. I look out the window since my seat was the closest one to it, and just think about life. I finish high school in 2 weeks, i will be completely done with school and moving on with my life. What was i going to be doing after? I had youtube, and a career ahead of me but i was still nervous. You can never be so certain about your future. Everything can change in a blink of an eye.


"How was your class babe?" Amy asks walking up to my locker. I roll my eyes and slam my door.

"Boring and useless as always. How was p.e?" i reply. She shurgs her shoulders and we link arms walking through the hallways down to the cafeteria.

Grayson's POV

"Come on Gray, we have rehearsals and getting ready for the show tomorrow night," Ethan says worriedly. I lay on my side on the couch in our hotel room holding my stomach. I wasn't feeling too good but i also didn't want to upset the fans who spent their money and took their time here.

"I feel so sick E," i say.

"I'm calling mom," he replies. I roll my eyes so hard that they could probably pop out of my eyes and back into my socket. He always called mom as the first resort. As he got off the phone with her, he called our security guard Kyle and asked him to bring some medication and food that our mom suggested.

"E, he's our security guard not our personal assistant," i say glaring at him.

"No no, don't worry Grayson. I'm as worried about you as he is, i hope you get better," he says and he gives me a high-five before leaving the room. Ethan sits besides me on the bed and places his hand on my forehead.

"Gray, your head is really hot," he says pulling away.

"Don't get out of bed and just focus on getting better buddy," he says grabbing me a bottle of water and i take it from his hand.

"I don't want to disappoint everyone Ethan," i reply hardly. He shakes his head and smiles.

"Don't worry, i'm sure they'll love you no matter what and they'll understand. I don't think they want to meet you when you're sick either."

As we both laugh my phone begins to ring and Ethan grabs it from the table and answers it.

"Hey Ally!" he says giving a cheesy smile.

"Let me talk to my girlfriend," i say sneezing three times in a row. I could hear her cute little laugh on the other side of the phone. Ethan turns my phone facing me and i see her beautiful face on facetime. She was brightly smiling until she sees the state i'm in and her facial expression changes instantly.

"Baby what happened to you?" she asks. Ethan answers her and updates her on everything that was happening this morning.

"You know if you were here, i would feel much better," i say. Ethan gags and we both laugh.

"None of that shit while i'm here. You both disgust me," he says. Ethan leaves my phone with me and leaves the room. I smile looking at my beautiful girlfriend, God just the sight of her made me feel better already.

"I'm coming home to you soon don't worry," i say.

"Gray.. you literally just left. You can't get my hopes up like that," she whines. I chuckle and cough at the same time. I grab the bottle of water Ethan left me and take a sip.

"Baby you should get some rest and i'll call you when you're better. Don't want you losing your voice," she says. I nod and i hang up the phone. I cuddle back into my blanket and shut my eyes.

A/N: Just a filler chapter, i know it's not that interesting but there's more coming and i'm working on TWO different books currently which explains why i'm taking my time updating this book but i'm still updating every 1-2 days ❤️

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