Ninety nine

471 3 4

Aaliyah's POV

I'm so in love with Grayson. I sit across from him as i watch the city below me. Flashing lights, cars driving by, people walking, eating and just living life.

I hear a camera sound flicker and i turn my head to him.

"Did you just take a photo of me?" i asked smirking. He takes my hand in his and kisses the top of it.

"You look beautiful all the time, and in this photo you didn't even need to try." I blushed looking down.

"Don't hide yourself from me," he says lifting my chin up with his finger. I look straight into his hazel-green eyes.

"I could never hide myself from you."

Flashbacks from our first dates and how i felt when Gray and i use to talk to eachother. When we would sit here in this very spot, in this same exact restaurant he would take a photo of me every time to remember those moments. Memories to look back on.

I use to be so shy and would refuse to ever let him take photos of me. Eventually he was the reason i became confident.

I felt beautiful. It was Insanity.

Now every time we go out, Gray would always take an off guard picture of me to remind me just how beautiful i was. I appreciate him. My everything.

We continue looking at each other, admiring each other's features that we learnt to love. The way his eyes could change colour in the light. One minute it was hazel, and then the next it was green. The way he smiles and how he makes his dimples known makes my heart flutter. The way his cheeks flush a peachy tone when he gets nervous or embarassed and tries looking away from me, but he could

"Risotto for the beautiful lady, and lasagna for the gentleman," the waiter says as he placed our food in front of us.

"Thankyou," we say.
My eyes light up and i clap my hands together in excitement.

The waiter looks at me with a smile,

"Sorry, she loves food," Grayson tells him blushing. The waiter nods off and walks away to serve another table. I pick up my fork and as i was about to dig in, Grayson stops me.

"Wait wait, i need to take a photo," i roll my eyes. I was so hungry i didn't even care about a photo at this point.

"Gray i'm hungry!" i whine.

"Then you can eat this d—"


He laughs apologetically and we dig in to our food. We talk about our lives thus far, how both our careers are going and future pla—

Ring Ring

"Damnit," Grayson mutters under his breath.

"Who is it?" i ask curiously. He sighs annoyingly.

"Ethan and i recently hired a new assistant manager to help with our big projects," he replied.

"Laura?" i ask looking at the name on his phone.

"Uh yeah, i'll be right back," he says quickly grabbing his phone and getting up towards the restroom. I sat alone picking at my food, it was really good. It would have been better with company.

"Sorry just work stuff," he comes back taking a seat. It was always work lately and i feel like i've understood them for a very long time but really? During dinner?

I gave a short faked smile as i continued picking at my food and tasting it every so often and Grayson began to notice.

"Does it not taste good? Do you not like it?" he asked. I simply shrugged and shook my head because that wasn't the case. The food was amazing, my mood just changed.

Insanity (Grayson Dolan FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now