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Ethan soon picked us up and we arrive at Aaron's house around 7:30pm.

Grayson and I walk hand-in-hand whilst Ethan holds Grays other hand.

"Bro, let go of my hand," Grayson says trying to loosen Ethans grip.

"But i looooooooveeeeee youuuuu," Ethan slurs.

I laugh and let go of Graysons hand and kiss his cheek, then head over to my group of friends.

Grayson's POV

"Ethan you're so embarrassing," i stare at him, and we both just burst out laughing.

We put our arms over eachothers shoulders and find some people we know.

"Hey Gray, hey Ethan!"

We both turn around in sync and see Aaron. The three of us run to eachother like 5 year olds and jump on one another. Aaron hands us a couple of beers and sat down catching up with a few other friends.

Later on during the night a fairly tall, blonde hair girl dress provocatively with her friend comes up to our group of guys. They both give all of us a stare as the first girls eyes land on me.

"Well hello sugar, i havent seen you around before, I'm Meredith," she says giving me a wink.

"I have a beautiful girlfriend," i respond in an intense, serious tone looking uninterested.

"Are you referring to me? Hahahah" Her voice was high pitched and she was constantly fixing her messy hair.

"He's referring to me honey," a familiar voice replies as a warm pair of arms wrap around my shoulders.

Thank God, Aaliyah

I turn my head towards her and smile while she leans in to kiss my lips.
Meredith pretends to make vomit sounds, and her friend whispers in her ear pretty loudly,

"You're sooo much prettier, the fuck," Meredith rolls her eyes but agrees.

She turns on her heels facing Ethan and moving towards him.

"So you boys must be twins, guess this ones all mine," she says about to sit on his lap. Before she could even touch his thighs, Ethans hands were already pushing her off and he stood up. Along with him, everyone in the group stood up and proceeded to leave.

"She woulda been an easy hit," Jack says laughing.

We all stare at him and he gets the message to shut the hell up. Aaliyah walks away to help her friend who was so drunk and goes inside to lay her down on the bed. I stay with the boys and we continue our sit down talk, before we were interrupted.

Aaliyah's POV

I take Jamie (Aaliyah's friend) up to Aarons room and wrap her in a blanket and she fell asleep instantly. I leave her a cup of water on the side table and wipe her face of her sweaty makeup. Before i leave i move her hair out of her face,

"Oh Jamie, you were always the one who needed to be taken care of," i giggle softly and walk out of Aaron's room, remembering to lock it just in case.

I make my way down the hall when i get pulled to the side into the shadows, and a hand covering my mouth. I panic, i try release myself from their grip.

"Hush babygirl," the figure comes closer and leans their forehead on mine, making eye contact. He takes one hand and wraps it around my neck, choking me pretty rough.

"J-Jack? I fucking swear, dont touch me. I mean it. Grayson will KILL you."

He grins, and slowly slides his cold hand up my thigh almost touching the inner part of me. I flinch, and close my eyes about to let out a scream as his hands covers my mouth, muffling the sound.

"Oh sweetheart, you've always been an innocent one haven't you? I wanna see what Grayson's having fun with."

Those words made my face heat up. Not in the good way. As his hand continues going up, i quickly bit the other hand that was covering my mouth.

"What the fuck??" He says, angrily. His voice was dark, and toned.

I made a run for it and i heard him behind me. Goddamn Aaron's house was like a fucking maze. I eventually made it downstairs and quickly try to find Grayson. Soon enough, my eyes lay on him and i walk towards him in fear, with tears dripping down my face.

Ethan, who was facing my direction, his smiling face drops as he spots me in the crowd.

"G-G-Gray.." Ethan says, his hands quivering from the look at me. He points to me, making Grayson turn around and his face turns pale.

"What the fuck happened?" Grayson asks.

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