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Grayson's POV

"Hey bro, don't even stress about him." Ethan pats my back as he notices me staring at Aaliyah and Adam from a distance.

"I miss her man.."

"She misses you too. Like i said, she still cares about you." Ethan was always close to her so i think he was telling me the truth.

"The fact that another guy is calling her by the nickname i use to call her." I put my head in my hands as i run my fingers through my hair. Ethan looks down and then back up at me.

"Hey hey, if she's the one then it'll work out, eventually.." i sigh.

Ethan pulls me up and hands me my skateboard.

"Lets do what we came here to do and skate. Get your mind off it."

I really appreciated Ethan. He was always there when i needed someone.

THE NEXT DAY (Aaliyah's POV)

I woke up with the thought of Grayson and Adam in my head. Just great.

It was saturday and i wanted it to be relaxing. I was going to hang out with Amy but her dad took her away for the weekend for some family trip.

I picked up my phone and called Ethan.


"Hey Eth! What you doing today?"

"I'm going to go to the mall with Grayson and 'Sarah' " you could literally feel him rolling his eyes through the phone. "Come with me pleaaaaaseeeee" he begged.

"I don't want to be anywhere near her,"

"Then don't and be with me. We'll eat with them and then go our seperate ways. I'm coming to pick you up anyways you have no choice."

"Mhmmmm fineeee" i groaned.

"Be ready by 10am" Ethan said.

I hung up the phone and started getting dressed.

I put on my outfit -

I sprayed on my VS perfume and grabbed my purse and phone

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I sprayed on my VS perfume and grabbed my purse and phone.

15 minutes later and i hear Ethan honk from his car, and i walk on out.

I see Ethan waving like a maniac towards me from the driver's seat, Grayson in the passenger seat and... Sarah in the back seat next to me.

"Woah Aaliyah, looking gorgeous as always" along with a wink. Ethan loves to give me compliments, not in a flirty way but thats just the way we always have been with eachother.

I greeted Ethan the way i usually do;
"and you too baby, you look dazzling" giving him a wink back. I nodded at Grayson which could see me through the side view mirror, and i ignored Sarah.

"That's rude, wheres my hello?" Sarah turned her head to look at me.

I looked at her and put in my earphones, knowing she knew i heard her. I heard Ethan giggle in the front seat as Sarah stared me down.

Off to the mall we go.

"What do you guys wants to eat?" Sarah asked as she grips onto Graysons arm.

Ethan looks at me and waited for my response, i just shrugged my shoulders.

After 10 minutes of suggestions and disagreements,

"Let's eat at Chilli's" Grayson said finally deciding for us all.

We all agreed and started walking towards the restaurant.

"Table for 4 please" Ethan said to the waiter with that smile of his.

The waitress leads us to a table, and hands out the menus and a glass of water for everyone. The waitress looks at Ethan admiring him as he pulls out my chair for me. Sarah was standing there waiting for Grayson to do the same but he just sat down in his own chair.

"You guys are a really cute couple," the waitress says to Ethan and i. She blushes looking down at the ground.

"We're not dating" we both say in unison. The 3 of us share a laugh as Grayson and Sarah sat there looking at their menus. Sarah was leaning her head on Grayson trying to decide what she wanted to eat.

"Let me know when you're ready" and the waitress walks away to serve another table.

Ethan and i shared our menu as the waitress accidentally gave us only 3. We leaned in close and helped eachother figure out what to eat.

At that moment, i heard my phone go off with a notification. I checked to see that Adam had texted me.

Adam: "Hey you down to hang out today? I'm sorry about yesterday i didnt know"

"Didn't know about what?" Ethan asked, looking at my phone. I didn't really care we do that all the time.

This caused Grayson and Sarah to look at me.

"Uhh just something last night, i'll tell you later Eth," i responded awkwardly.

Grayson looked upset that i never said what it was out loud, but he shouldnt care anyways right?

I quickly text back to Adam;
To Adam: I'm hanging out with Ethan today, but don't stress i'm not upset about yesterday.

"Ready to order?" The waitress took out her note and pen and started taking our orders.

- Fast forward to after the breakfast

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