Eighty four

305 0 1

A/N: Just a filler chapter ❤️
Aaliyah's POV

3 months later

"I CAN'T BELIEVE GRAY IS COMING BACK TODAY," i yell with excitement at Amy.

"I can't wait till i see Ethan at the airport!" Amy says. We were stupidly jumping up and down in my apartment, impatiently waiting for the hours to pass by until we see our beautiful boyfriends.

Grayson and i's relationship has gone back on track and we were as happy as ever. He had facetimed me every day and i was pretty much a part of every show they had since then. I didn't mind but i would love it if he didn't call me when i looked my worst.

"Ethan just texted me!! They're suppose to land at 6pm tonight," she says as her eyes read along the text message on her phone. It was currently 2pm on a Saturday and we were just sitting at home.

"We're going to go have dinner with you guys, then go for a walk on the beach and then go back to my house!" Amy tells me. She's so cute, i could literally see her eyes sparkle as she talks about Ethan. I hope Ethan knows how much she truly loves him.

"Use protection," i replied winking. She turns to me looking disgusted and i just roll my eyes and nudge her arm.

"I know you aren't as innocent as you show yourself to be. Cut the act sis," i say laughing. She tries holding her straight face until her goofy side took over and she bursted into laughter. I knew it.

"You're no virgin Mary either, Ally. I know you're probably calling him daddy or some kinky shit," she says jokingly. Well, you ain't wrong there. His contact name was once 'daddy' so i'm not surprised at all.

"I'm planning to get some tonight i don't know about you," i say raising a brow.

"Aaliyah Rose Montaneo!" Amy says in shock but still laughing.

"Amy Joan Russo!"

"We're going to be late!" Amy yells.

"It's literally 5pm, we're no where close to late. It takes us only 15 minutes to get to the airport," i say staying in my position on the couch. She doesn't say a word and pouts her bottom lip out taking the spot next to me. She misses Ethan so much. I was lucky i was able to go back and see Gray when he became sick, sadly Amy couldn't come along. She was busy with her own school and business work.

"I just want to see them already," she says leaning her head on my shoulder. I stroke her hair and sigh.

"I know baby. How about we go get some ice cream and then head to the airport?" i suggest. She looks up at me with the brightest eyes like a kid finding candy.

"I'm down!" she says jumping up from the couch almost immediately and grabbing my hand.

"I need my keys first Amy," i stop in my tracks and grab my keys which were on the counter.

"Come on you slow poke," she says.

"You drive," i say throwing the keys her way. She catches them and we both walk out the apartment locking the door.

Amy pulls up to the ice cream store and we both walk inside.

"What flavour do you want?" she asks me leaning towards the window to look at the menu.

"Maybe i'll try something different.. umm..," I was thinking way too hard for ice cream flavours.

"Excuse me, could i get a sample of the macadamia nut flavour?" i ask to the boy facing his back to me behind the counter. He turns around and both our eyes made contact to one another.

"Aaliyah, right?" he asks with a smile. I nod not wanting to say his name because truthfully, i forgot it. His face was very familiar though.

"It's Jordan if you were wondering," he introduces.

"Right haha. I didn't know you worked here, could i get the sample please?" I ask pointing to the ice cream.

"Yeah sure. My mom owns this little dessert store so i help out every so often," he says whilst he scoops the ice cream onto a spatula and passes it to me. I put it in my mouth and taste it.

"How do you two know each other?" Amy asks out of no where.

"We met at the park one time. She accidentally spilt her drink on me," Jordan replies.

"That sounds like Aaliyah to me," she says jokingly. I cringe my eyebrows at her and rolls my eyes.

"This flavour is so good! Can i get one scoop of the macadamia nut? What do you want Amy?" i ask.

"Strawberry deluxe please!"


"Jordan seems nice," Amy says as we both get into the car.

"No, Amy."

"What do you mean? I just said he's nice," she defends herself.

"He doesn't like me. We met once," i stated.

"He better not. We both know Grayson would drop kick him if anything happened," she says. I nod knowing that was true.

"What's the time?" She asks. I pull out of my phone and look at my screen.

"5:40, we'll make it. There'll probably be delays anyway," i reply. She replies with a simple 'yeah' and starts the ignition and we were on our way to the airport.

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