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I chuckle at the sight of Grayson kissing the back of my hand every once in a while, as we walk down the streets of Cali intertwined. The sun was shining bright, not a single cloud in the sky. A smile sneaks upon my face as i see his face lighten up at the sight of an ice cream truck.

He unlocks our hands making me pout, but soon resting his hand on my lower back leading me to the ice cream truck. Gray was like a little kid getting excited, this is why i love him. Well, is it love? I've never said that to him before. As crazy as it sounds, our 2 year long relationship was just both of us enjoying each others company. I guess it was a serious, but not serious relationship, you know? We are still young, we're both 17 and just trying to have fun.

"One choc mint ice cream please," Grayson orders knocking me out of my train of thought.
"and a strawberry choc top with strawberry pieces please," he says remembering my order from years ago. I smile at the thought of him remembering the little things. Grayson begins pulling out his wallet as i stop him, looking me at with a confused look.

"You always pay, let me shout you just this once," i beg him, but it doesn't phase him as he pulls out money and hands the man the cash. Grayson flashes me a smile,

"Princesses don't need to pay."

The man in the ice cream trucks laughs aloud hearing what Grayson says handing out the ice cream.

"Take good care of this boy, hes a keeper," the man says nodding his head at Grayson. I return with a smile,

"Trust me i know," and we both walk away hand in hand with our ice cream.

We both sit down at a nearby bench close to a river as i start up a conversation.

"How do you still remember my ice cream order?" He looks at me and looks down at the ground embarrassed.

"I still remember a lot about you Ally, I would never forget the big and little things about my first love."

First love.

I look down smiling and return to finish eating my ice cream. Sure, I'm positive that i love Grayson with no doubt, but i only want to say that i love him when the timing is perfect and this time wasn't it.

My phone goes off with a notification reading from -

Adam☺️: Hey Aaliyah, we haven't hung out in a bit, lets go watch a movie or something?

Grayson was unfortunately looking at my phone as well and his smile fades away as his jaw clenched of jealousy.

"You're still seeing that kid?" Grayson asked.

"No, like he said, i havent talked to him since that night." i say trying to calm him down. Graysons eyes linger away from mine and looks at the water flowing in the river in thought.

"I know we arent officially together yet, but we technically are, right?" he asked, this time his voice cracked with sadness in his tone.

"I guess we are," i say not knowing how to reply to that.

"You guess? So you have some feelings for Adam?"

"No Grayson! Why would you say that?!"

"Because it sounds like you're doubting me, doubting us."

"I'm just saying that i don't know what we are right now Grayson. I have every right to feel how i feel. You just come out nowhere back into my life again and obviously i'm going to pick you over anyone else.. it's always been you." I sigh, some of that probably came across wrong but it's whatever.

I looked at his tensed up jaw as it unclenched, taking my hand in his.

"Don't doubt our relationship, or whatever the hell we have. I am in love with you Aaliyah, and that has never changed since the day i met you."

I smile at him, but not making eye contact. I know hes been waiting for me to say 'I love you' back to him, but i can't help it. 

"I know you're taken back by what i'm saying, you don't need to say those words to me anytime soon. I don't say it just to hear it back, i say it to remind you how much you mean to me."

"Gray...." He places his hands on the back of my neck pulling me into a deep, passionate kiss. God, this boy was made so perfect. After a few seconds i pulled away, reminding myself we are in a public space.

I giggle and i look back into Grayson's eyes as his were already on me with some much love.

"Let's promise that no other people will get in between our relationship. We promise to trust eachother. Deal?" I ask holding up my pinky for him to promise. Childish i know, but this way i know its real.

He smiles back at me. "Deal." Intertwining his pinky with mine.

Insanity (Grayson Dolan FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now